Blessing 2 - page 221


Would you like to see Blessing 3 move to it's own thread? I don't want to lose the many users of Blessing 2 and there will be those die-hards that will continue to use Blessing 2 v5.2. However, in the spirit of change, I would like to see your feedback on a new thread.

Happy Trading


Yes, I agree to a separate thread for blessing 3


New Thread for Blessing 3


Would you like to see Blessing 3 move to it's own thread? I don't want to lose the many users of Blessing 2 and there will be those die-hards that will continue to use Blessing 2 v5.2. However, in the spirit of change, I would like to see your feedback on a new thread.

Happy Trading


Good idea Iron, let’s have a new thread. I am anxious to do some serious testing.

I will post 10 months demo trading results with Blessing 4.6 to Blessing 5.2, as soon I get back in my office.

Best Regards



Agree, new thread.

Ironically, today it first time I've experienced a loss when Blessing closed out a block of trades. And my usdjpy demo wiped out all gains and then some on the 1hr.

Yes. It truly happened to me, too.

I normally review the block of trades and revise the "T/P" point when I find

it may have a loss even the T/P is hit.

It happened on many forex brokers, including Alpari US, Alpari UK, FXDD ... etc.

I am not very sure if it is because of broker or program itself.

But I regularly review the T/P points since I found such strange errors(bugs)

few months ago.

You had my little conspiracy mind going for awhile... but think I found the problem.

The grid size was 13 on levels 2 and 3, 52 on lvl 4. I went into my settings and sure enough, GAF was set <1 so it was doing only what "I" was asking it -- squish the grid. Must have forgot to set it when I unloaded it over the weekend to do some maintenance. It’s now reset to 1 and back in pip making business.


Blessing 2 EA download

Hello Fifthelement,

Your blessing 2 v5.2 can not be downloaded. Please send me a new link to download your EA as the old one is spoilt



Glad you stuck around, George, and didn't let Phartalker run you off.

Shame on you Slack, calling the “Angel” like that. God help us if he contaminates this thread too.

