HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 191


fxcruiser, you don't seem to bother my question on post#1907 above, do you?My question don't seem to be hard to answer right? Just give me "YES" or "NO"...

what I mean is, the "HAMA.ex4" indicator you posted on page190, post#1897, it has an exipiry date as "04-07-2009 8:00", doesn't it?
fxcruiser, you don't seem to bother my question on post#1907 above, do you?My question don't seem to be hard to answer right? Just give me "YES" or "NO"...


I figured you have decompiled an ex4 file and would have already known the answer to your question. My copy has a "01-10-2019" expiration.




Thanks fxcruiser

Thanks for ur reply.

Anyway on NT the eco2 n macdbb is all I use with dynamics/r .

The eco2 is quite good....check it out if u have not.

The eco2 is an ergodic indicator and have found it as a good indication for ZLR abt 90% of the time. good for a scalp of 10-20 ticks or add on to the direction.

have a great weekend !



I figured you have decompiled an ex4 file and would have already known the answer to your question. My copy has a "01-10-2019" expiration.



fxcruiser, Thanks for your reply.

Decompile? you must be kidding, I wish I could. and I won't be be asking you here for answer twice. I quite like your HAMA indic, that's why I want to make sure it has expiration date or not, if yes, I drop it.

I just got a PM from a fellow traders in another forum that this HAMA indic got an expiration date, I've no idea how he knows it, perhaps he's decompiled it as you said or using hex tool.


Hama pad 1

Hi. I'm just starting to look at HAMA Pad v1. Just double checking though. Does that free version that fx posted early in this thread expire after a certain amount of time? I downloaded and installed it and it looks like it's working. No expiration notice. Thanks. Sandy

Hi. I'm just starting to look at HAMA Pad v1. Just double checking though. Does that free version that fx posted early in this thread expire after a certain amount of time? I downloaded and installed it and it looks like it's working. No expiration notice. Thanks. Sandy


Let me know when you get an expiration notice. You may also refer to this post #1897.




Thanks FXcrusier I'll do that. So far it looks o.k.



HAMA Z3 Trading Market Triangles. Comments to follow. Thinkinside the BOX along the LINE on TIME.




I've been reading this thread with some interest (only up to page 34) and I'm wondering if the indicators/method for HAMA Z3 are available somewhere. I have been testing some ideas with modified HA candles for the past week and I really like what I've seen with them and what I've seen here. Just looking to get brought up to speed.

I've been reading this thread with some interest (only up to page 34) and I'm wondering if the indicators/method for HAMA Z3 are available somewhere. I have been testing some ideas with modified HA candles for the past week and I really like what I've seen with them and what I've seen here. Just looking to get brought up to speed.

By skipping the 150+ other pages, you'll missed a lot of great helpfull infos/settings.
