Gold, forecast 01.09.2022.

Gold, forecast 01.09.2022.

5 September 2022, 11:23
Andrey Niroba

Fractal structure, time frame 1 Hour.


As of 09/01/2022, it can be assumed that on the time interval (08/11/2022-15:00; 09/01/2022-15:00) a fractal has formed in the fractal structure of the chart of the dynamics of gold quotes, built with a time frame of 3 hours, marked in red.

The 1st segment of the red fractal is indicated on the chart by an orange fractal on the time interval (08/11/2022-15:00; 08/22/2022-15:00), which has an order of one less than the red fractal. The 2nd segment of the red fractal was formed on the time interval (08/22/2022-15:00; 08/23/2022-15:00). The 3rd segment of the red fractal was formed on the time interval (08/23/2022-15:00; 09/01/2022-15:00) and is indicated on the chart by a fractal of a smaller order in pink.

This fractal structure of the chart suggests that the future dynamics of GOLD quotes will be in an uptrend.

The most likely scenario is that the growth of Gold quotes will reach $1,800 per troy ounce in the time period between 09/07/2022 and 09/10/2022.

As of 09/01/2022, it can be assumed that on the time interval (08/23/2022-17:00; 09/01/2022-17:00) a fractal has formed in the fractal structure of the chart of the dynamics of gold quotes, built with a time frame of 1 hour, marked in red.


The 1st segment of the red fractal is indicated on the chart by a blue fractal on the time interval (08/23/2022-17:00; 08/26/2022-14:00), which has an order of one less than the red fractal. The 2nd segment of the red fractal was formed as a mono-segment on the time interval (08/26/2022-14:00; 08/26/2022-16:00). The 3rd segment of the red fractal was formed on the time interval (08/26/2022-16:00; 09/01/2022-17:00) and is indicated on the chart by a fractal of a lower order in blue.

The blue fractal, which is the 3rd segment of the red fractal, consists of the 1st segment formed on the time interval (08/26/2022-16:00; 08/30/2022-10:00) 1 -segment on the time interval (30.08.2022-10:00; 30.08.2022-11:00) and from the 3rd segment formed on the time interval (30.08.2022-11:00; 01.09.2022-17:00) of the 3rd segment, which is indicated in the graph in bright pink.

This fractal structure of the chart suggests that the future dynamics of GOLD quotes will be in an uptrend.

The most likely scenario is that the growth of Gold quotes will reach $1,755 per troy ounce on September 6 or 7, 2022.

Monitoring of current models of future price dynamics on the costforecast channel.