How To Connect R Open Source Data Science Machine Learning Software With MT4?

7 December 2016, 06:40
Ahmad Hassam
1 727

R is a powerful open source software for machine learning and data science.

There are many things that you cannot do on MT4 or for that matter MT5.

That includes machine learning artificial intelligence algorithms to predict price.

Writing these machine learning artificial intelligence algorithms is not easy.

You need a PhD in the subject to write code that is optimized to run these algorithms

But if we can connect R with MT4 using DLL we can do all the things on MT4 that R does.

Read the post in which I explain how to connect R with MT4.

This code was written in Pascal.

I am working on the project that will connect R and Python with MT4 and MT5.

I am working on writing the DLL files in C++.

I will announce it here when I am done.