Greece Conflict Concerns The Movement Of Wall Street

Greece Conflict Concerns The Movement Of Wall Street

13 June 2015, 17:51
      Greece Conflict Concerns The Movement Of Wall Street

Stocks in the United States (u.s.) startup weekend ended up weakening because of concerns of investors about the condition of Greece. In addition, the related assurance plan yet to the Federal Reserve about interest rate reference.

Investors are anxious because the reference interest rate rise time becomes uncertain. Meanwhile, strengthening the workforce data in May which was released last Friday raises speculation that a rise in interest rates of reference will be made more quickly.

"Labor Data May designate that interest will go up. The market hasn't discounted the thought that, "said the director of sales and trading at LEK Securities in New York, Frank Davis offered from Reuters, Monday (9/6/2015).

In addition, other load which makes worried u.s. investors is meeting officials from Greece and the European Union there Monday. No indication of meeting to prevent a potential debt default Greece

In trading Monday, the Dow Jones index down 82,91 points or 0.46 percent to 17.766,55. S&P 500 index down 13,55 points or 0.65 percent to 2,079,28. While the Nasdaq index was down 46,83 points or 0.92 percent to 5.021,63. >>>