4 Month Market Forecast for Gold, Oil, Stocks & Bonds

4 Month Market Forecast for Gold, Oil, Stocks & Bonds

10 April 2015, 06:11
Sergey Golubev
Here are some key points you need to know:
  1. Bonds should perform well for a few months and possibly a long time until the bear market in US stocks takes hold and is well under way. BUT, the bond bubble will burst eventually when rates start to climb. This could be June, or much later in the year but until then I expect them to rise as the safe haven.
  2. Commodities typically outperform equities during the late staged of the bull market which is what I feel the US stock market is. Resource stocks and resource rich countries like Canada should hold up well, and possibly make new highs going into summer.
  3. Notice how gold and oil have moved from opposite corners of the chart compared to the US and Canadian stock indexes.
  4. During the 2000 and 2008 bear market we saw gold, silver, oil and mining stocks get hit very hard in the second half of the bear market. Will this happen again? I do not think it will because this time rates are at zero and there is only one way to go when they are at the bottom… Up!. This means stocks and bonds will likely both enter a bear market, maybe not at the same time, but they will eventually. This means the only places to protect your capital will be commodities, resource based investments, or simply cash CAD & USD.

Take a look at this 10 year bond price overlaid on the S&P 500 index: