MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - page 1107

Megaproject Dear forum participants, programmers and traders. I invite you to join me in creating a great Expert Advisor (in terms of volume of work and complexity). Which will include a fairly large number of trading systems. Here, everyone can offer their views, their system, and choose the
Hello ; the indicator that I create is to indicate if line 1 > line 2 or line 2 > line 1 for all time frame : as you can see on the picture I would like to know if black line crosses over the red one (the indicator on down ) or not : and I calculate the difference : so I must call this indicator...
Hi guys, I just have a simple question. I am trying to use a custom indicator in an EA. What the custom indicator basically does is it adds 2 MAs from two variables that use iMA(), and sends that to a buffer. I then use iMAonArray() on that buffer to get another indicator as a crossover. This is...
Hi! It's me again. I recently opened a thread concerning the problems I had with my version of GetRatesItemValue. But now there is some new strange trouble. (I open this thread because no one wrote a comment in the old one.) At the moment I'm trying to code functions in the dll which have access to...
Hello ; I don't know if you understand my problem but sometimes I have the similar problem . I have 8 buffers ExtMapBuffer but the code need to use another array (2 arrays) here tableau1 and tableau2 here i the code (simple) double tableau1[];double tableau2[];int...
I use this tool to draw angled trendlines and the default value for the line isa ray. I then deselect the ray option to obtain a shorter line. However when Iuse that same tool again for a new line it automatically defaults back to a rayline. Is there a way to toggle that option so that when I use...
I have been working with iCustom and have tested a number of iterations of the parameters of this function and now understand how this function works. In other words, I have tied out the chart results with the EA called results. I though cannot explain why the following indicator does not give me...
Greetings Forex Friends! After spending about half a week on the drawing board, I've found something that seems to work in Excel. Gonna try my hand at coding this sometime today. I manually charted sixteen trades on USDCAD H1 chart between the end of June and the end of August 2011. Results were $6...
Please can someone tell me whats if anything is wrong with my thinking assuning the prices for each pair are correct: Values for 1 Lot: EURUSD 10,000 x (eurusd price) 1.3895 = $13895 GBPUSD 10000 x (gbpusd price) 1.5958 = $15958 EURJPY 10000 x (eurjpy price) 105.79/(usdjpy price)76.135 = $13895...
If i was using candlestick chart type to view the chart then i can't see the line chart on current window is their any script/indicator that can show me the line chart on candlestick chart ( wanted to see both chart type candlestick & line chart on same window ) ?
Is it possible to use multiple time frames within an EA and if so then could you link me to some documentation on it. I want my EA to do this: if 15 minute chart indicator x is giving a buy signal then if 5 minute indicator z is giving a buy signal then open order I am new to expert advisors, any...
Hello ; firstly I would like to represent my indicator like that : it's a great indicator that I found here : but my problem is I would like to do the same but instead of moving average, I 'm basing on my own indicator that I call histogramtrend (it' s similar to...
  Objprop_Angle??  (7)
Hi, Has anybody got ObjectGet("objectname", Objprop_Angle) to work? Draw a simple trend line between 2 points and try to get the angle? I don't think this function works but please prove me wrong! thanks
Hello Everyone. I am new to coding, however have been trading a while. I bought and read the "Expert Advisor Programming" book by Andrew Young. I found this very helpful and am currently making a VERY simple EA, however as I said I am new to coding - but want to get into it and give it a go. A...
How can i send/receive messages between MT4 and C++
Hello, I wrote an EA to collect data from MT4 into excel. I need the high, low and the day of the week of an hourly bar.And I use it as backtest . So I set a starting date and an end date. I get all the info in excel. BUT! I get a limit number of lines, only 274 lines of data. Is it possible to get...
  days range  (5)
I am not a technie but understand how the code has been written. I want a custom indicator which shows the day's range. i got the following code from other indicator as a part of other infos. but i want the range to be on right top or bottom with bigger font and color which i can customize...
hi guys,i got a problems with this EA, can someone please help me fix it ? i added a multiplier for the EA and when i change multiply to 1.6,the step always not following the parameter like step3 jump to step9 and no open step4. I got no idea for it,so please help :( B Regards Geo
  Units vs Lots  (7)
I'm battling with lots vs units oanda style.... My base is $USD - I want to sell $10000 eurusd @ 1.3890 and $10 000 eurjpy @ 105.97 each. So on the oanda platform it gives it as 7 179 units each, what would that be in lots for MetaTrader and how do I get there ? Probably going to kick myself, but
Is anyone else out there having problems with putting in a search term such as iCustom and not getting any results? Is there a browser setting that could be causing my problems? I have also had problems with multiple terms. In other words searching for two words with a "&" operator as suggested in...
MT4 used to add a "[tp]" to the comments when my trades reached their limit. Now, when they reach their limit, it adds "[tp/a]". The person on the phone at my broker doesn't know -- she claims it is my EA putting it in :) Just curious: Is this a change you made at metaquotes or is this a change my...
Hi Folks, I'm probably going to look like a right ass now, but I can't get this figured. Might be the flu that's fried the brain, but instead of hurting myself trying to figure this out I thought I'd ask. I want to calculate the positions value. So let's say I bought Eurusd 0.8 lots at 1.2345,...
This code works: string getSTRField(string query) { string result; string row; int length=StringLen(query); int res2 = mysql_real_query(mysql,query,length); int res = mysql_store_result(mysql); if(res==0) { Print("result of query stored = 0!!"); Print("GetLastError...
I am using two demo accounts with 2 diferrent brokers, i don't understand why the grafical view is diferent using the same moving average, scale etc
Dear All, Can anyone explain to me about the following trading criteria (MQL4 Book - Simple Programs in MQL4 - Simple Expert Advisor), especially what is the meaning of "Distance between MAs "(double Rastvor = 28.0 / / Distance the between MAs), Thank you....
This is the first sound Alert I have ever put in a code. The simple things always turn out to be a bug for me. I looked at an example but I didn't see any variable for Playsound. Would help if I could make this work. I have some other issues that I will Post later. Thanks, JimTrader1
How can i increase stoploss after win? For example: IF I WIN FIRST TRADE WITH 30 PIPS STOPLOSS, I WANT OPEN SECOND TRADE WITH 30 + 15 = 45 PIPS STOPLOSS, IF I WIN SECOND TRADE TOO, I WANT OPEN THIRD TRADE WITH 45 + 15 = 60 PIPS STOPLOSS. ETC................ Can you write me code? Thank you.
Hi, I would like to use INS key in my EA. After press the INS key the EA should display InputBox() dialog. How to programm and assign the INS key on expert advisor using MQL4 syntax? Rgds, Puncher
Hello ; at the moment I have created an horizontal line without Label like that : but I would like to have an indicator with label like that the code is like this if(!ObjectCreate("ligne1",OBJ_HLINE,0,temps1,valeur1))...
I'm using bar closes to signal an entry on my EA. Once in the position I want to monitor the position by tick so I can adjust a trailing stop. Currently I'm using the following code in the EA to so I can get a signal on a close from a function that looks at an iCustom indicator. Is there another...