From theory to practice - page 1796

Vitaly Muzichenko:

What about it?


Lucky catch.

There really is no such thing.

All of us speculators, banks etc aremarket makers and puppets.

Puppet is a hilarious joke. Actually a big bid from a fat player.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

What about it?

for me, price work and doll are the same name

I just don't want to use just my jargon.

dolls is common jargon, but there isn't any.
Renat Akhtyamov:

For me, price work and doll are both the same name

I just don't want to use only my own jargon.

doll is common jargon, but there isn't any.

Anyway it's clear, you can go on and on :)

Renat Akhtyamov:

for me, the price work is the same as the doll

is the closed-loop price work equal to zero?

Aleksey Nikolayev:

is the closed-loop price work equal to zero?

on forex, no.

only on MOEX, after clearing

I posted a picture in this thread for Asulenko

Whether or not I deleted it, I don't remember.

i.e. everyone knows that 2/3 of working capital is in the bank and 1/3 is spinning


no :))) you are dead wrong about that, it's more than 700% of deposits - a multiplier effect though :)

Vitaly Muzichenko:

There may be 1000 lots of sell orders and 800 lots of buy orders in the market = yes, there is not equal willingness.

But if you look at buying and selling volumes, they are equal, as previously said. To buy something, you need someone to sell, and you buy exactly as much as you were sold, and vice versa.

From my observations, the market ascribes sellers to would-be buyers after the deal is done, and buyers to would-be sellers. Thus, there is a driving force in the market to zero out the imbalance that has appeared. What do you think of this hypothesis?

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

My observation is that the market assigns sellers to future buyers, once the transaction is completed, and buyers to future sellers. So there is a driving force in the market to zero out the imbalance that has arisen. How about this hypothesis?

BUY EURUSD - buy or sell?

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

My observation is that the market assigns sellers to future buyers, once the transaction is completed, and buyers to future sellers. Thus, there is a driving force in the market to zero out the imbalance that has arisen. How do you like this hypothesis?

Maxim Kuznetsov:

The counter question BUY EURUSD - is this a buy or sell ?

Quite right

two sides of the coin need to be considered

Spreads are user prices, they are unprofitable for us.

on the contrary - these are commercial prices, they are profitable for them

but for the system to work and to be at least at breakeven, users need to lose more than they gain, so there can be no zeroing

it is a theoretical justification for the possibility of creating a bbloc

it started in the "advisor the world over" thread, then "not the grail, just a regular dablokos like this" thread


... and we all dwell in maya - the illusion of this world ...
