learn how to earn money villagers [Episode 2] ! - page 448


the frontier is here :) in the heads of people who are looking at a set of pixels...

pure statistics - 70% of the price is in a flat and 30 trends are impulsive

but personally they "help" me - when the price isn't there yet... see where it's going to be roughly

Even if it's 70 over 30, how do you tell if it's flat or trending? Do the pixels tell you? I've carefully studied some of your stats, it's pure luck play there. Doubling your lot by flipping. It's just that you haven't hit a good series of losing flips, so you don't have enough margin to flip already. All in all, it's about nothing.

Лекарь Центозависимых:

How come you're so arrogant, traumatized from childhood? It's okay, we'll cure you, too.

You're an interesting character, you've never written anything useful yourself. Tell us what you've accomplished here, you're just staring at someone else's business.
Miracle, read the reviews Alesha:)or codebase
Лекарь Центозависимых:

Even if it's 70/30, how do you know if it's flat or trending? Do the pixels tell you? I've looked closely at some of your stats, it's pure luck play. Doubling your lot by flipping. It's just that you haven't hit a good series of losing flips, so you don't have enough margin to flip already. All in all, it's nothing.

instead of whining - just look on the chart and do some X's and Z's, see where it is going and why it is turning over - and correct your trading.

Trading is an art - there is no purely formalized system - buy here and sell there - if you lack the brains - your lot is a factory or a mine as Drimmer says...

3.14592 go to work in a mine...


the frontier is here :) in the heads of people who are looking at a set of pixels...

pure statistics - 70% of the price is in a flat and 30 trends are impulsive

but personally they "help" me - when the price isn't there yet... see where it's going to be roughly

and what are the sloping lines for?

I don't think they make sense as the arrows are zig-zagging


a bad dancer needs a floor - instead of whining - he took the crosses - zeros on the chart, looked at the How and Why and adjusted his actions - well, yes

trading is an art - there is no purely formalized system - buy here and sell there - if you lack the brains - your lot is a factory or a mine as Dr. Dremer says...

3.14592 Go work in a mine...

And you belong in a circus, clowns are always needed. You're always in need of a circus clown. And don't mention the crosses, they won't do anything, it's just a different price display. In short, a fabulous clown, an unformalized psychic who "sees" paranormal levels.

Vladimir Baskakov:
Miracle, read the reviews Alesha:)or codebase

" Honestly - I don't understand when to sell when to buy author clarify."

These reviews or what?)

Who are you and how did you end up here, you snot-nosed child.

Лекарь Центозависимых:

" Honestly - I don't understand when to sell when to buy author clarify."

These reviews or what?)

Who are you and how did you end up here, you snot-nosed child.

Take it easy, ignoramus.
Vladimir Baskakov:
Take it easy, ignoramus.

And you don't stink here, either write about business or go to the humour thread and cry there.

Лекарь Центозависимых:

And you don't stink here, either write about business or go to the humour thread and cry there.

You start insulting a man of your age (the lowest of the low)
Лекарь Центозависимых:

Don't stink up the place, either write about the case or go to the humour thread and whine there.

If anyone's crying in this thread, it's you. This and that don't work and nothing at all. If that's the case, don't bother coming to this forum. They told you right, - 3.14, go to the mine. You're no artist and you're no healer.)