FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 13: March 2012)

The previous episode is here. The rules are the same.
:) very apropos
at 2:00 in the morning.
What am I supposed to do now? Break your rules and get banned, or fornicate the people you're discussing with? А?

Try it, let's hope they forgive you on the first day of spring.

From the February thread:

dvs 29.02.2012 23:18


And most importantly, was it even there?

I do not understand what this is about? And another thing, the oil is standing still and does not even twitch.

If you close your eyes, it makes sense :(

If you look at the daily, it's already the second day there's a signal to sell...and a serious one...

tara: What am I supposed to do now? Break your rules and get banned, or fornicate the people you're discussing with? А?
Couldn't you have seen this coming?
tara: What if I'm playing this?

Well, yes, "very conveniently" (with tara).

It's springtime...


I don't know about gold, but yesterday Iran said it would trade oil for gold instead of dollars.


the pound sits on the fence and giggles...


tara: Ты не превысил своих полномочий, ты просто нагрубил.

Anyone who can read Russian will simply go here - if I understand you correctly.

Your ignorance of a year-long tradition of creating a new euronewsletter every month and sending the old one into the archives does not give you any reason to accuse me of treachery.

sold USDJPY, looks like the eur will really go north and the pound is on the sell side, maybe I'll get something out of it))