Interesting and humorous - page 138

So nationality and national spirit have nothing to do with it.

That's not what I said. Quite the contrary.
If morale was higher, it was because our soldiers were defending their land, their families, their people and their homeland. They fought for a just and righteous cause, unlike the Germans, who were aggressors and fought on foreign soil. Many of them fought against their will and did not support the policy of Hitler, although they could not refuse to fight under pain of being shot. So nationality and national spirit had nothing to do with it.

Why then is there such a large number of voluntary Soviet soldiers who surrendered and such a small number of Germans?

Even in 1944, when the Soviet Army was advancing, 203 thousand soldiers and commanders of the Soviet Army were taken prisoner. During the war 376,000 members of the Red Army were convicted of desertion.

It is worthwhile to compare it with figures of the enemy army... The number of deserters in Wehrmacht from January till May 1945 was 722 persons [82].

In the first three years of the war there were 29 defectors from the Wehrmacht. (с)

Why did the Russian Liberation Army fight on the side of the Nazis, and the German units did not?


Blown? Bullshit?

Everyone seems to have different tolerance limits. What if you'd been cursed at by a TV station? You personally. Would you also tolerate it, because there would be an interesting movie on that channel in the evening?

p.s. And I will not even respond to "pseudo-patriot". You can tell who is a pseudo and who is not from our words.

When the Kremlin sycophant Skoibeda recently complained from the pages of "Komsomolka" that the Nazis did not make enough lampshades from human skin of the Soviet people, not a single bastard propagandist reacted. Neither from United Russia, nor from the Communist Party. Like - "no big deal, hee hee"!

She is a patriot, goo-goo! She hasn't even been waved a finger at! The prosecutor's office didn't even move!

And now suddenly "offended" pseudo-patriots are crawling out of all the cracks like worms and cockroaches!

The question posed in Dozhd is absolutely correct!

And it was not the question itself that enraged the lying and "offended" propagandists! It is the answers and comments to it. The answers are about the responsibility of party officials for disgusting supply to blockade residents. As well as references and documented comments about the beleaguered city leadership gluttony, etc.


Why then such a large number of Soviet soldiers who voluntarily surrendered, and such a small number of Germans?

Even in 1944, when the Soviet Army was advancing, 203 thousand soldiers and commanders of the Soviet Army were taken prisoner. During the war 376,000 members of the Red Army were convicted of desertion.

It is worthwhile to compare it with figures of the enemy army... The number of defectors in Wehrmacht from January till May 1945 was 722 [82].

In the first three years of the war there were 29 defectors from the Wehrmacht. (с)

Why did the Russian Liberation Army fight on the side of the Nazis, but the German units did not?

Because there were many dissatisfied with the policies of the Bolsheviks. There were many dissatisfied with the Bolshevik coup d'état, because they were formerly wealthy citizens or descendants of those citizens. It should also be borne in mind that discipline is a national trait of the Germans, as opposed to our looseness.

When recently the Kremlin sycophant Skoibeda complained from the pages of "Komsomolskaya Gazeta" that fascists have not made enough lampshades from human skin of soviet people, not a single bastard propagandist reacted. Neither from United Russia, nor from the Communist Party. Like - no big deal, goo-goo!

She's a patriot, though! She didn't even get a wink of the finger!

And now all of a sudden "offended" pseudo-patriots are crawling out of the woodwork like cockroaches!

Absolutely correct question on the Rain!

And it was not the question itself that enraged the lying and "offended" propagandists! It is the answers and comments to it. The answers are about the responsibility of party officials for the disgusting supply to blockade residents. The references and documented comments about the beleaguered leadership of the besieged city, etc.

Just because someone did a mean thing and didn't get punished for it doesn't justify the next scoundrel.
To me neither the United Russia nor the Communists are examples or leaders. Once again I am not even a Russian. So I cannot be a pseudo-patriot, or even a Russian patriot by definition. BUT.... I know who my friends are and who aren't. I know who my grandfather fought with and against whom and what. I remember who he saved and who helped him to survive. I know who I should respect and who I shouldn't.

And it is very surprising to see that people outside Russia, those who were with Leningraders (and all Russians) once in one, united, big country, are moreindignant atsuch insulting pollsthan some Leningraders .

"the responsibility of party officials for the abysmal provision of the siege residents, the gluttonous leadership of the besieged city".

If the question had been posed this way I would be the first to speak for them now. And surrendering the city, not surrendering the city is a taboo. Don't you see the difference?
And surrendering the city, not surrendering the city, is taboo.
Because there were many dissatisfied with Bolshevik policies. There were many dissatisfied with Bolshevik coup, because they were formerly wealthy citizens, or descendants of them. It should also be taken into account that discipline is a national trait of the Germans, as opposed to our looseness.

The spirit of the Soviet soldiers was higher because our soldiers were defending their land, their families, their people and their homeland. They fought for a just and righteous cause, unlike the Germans, who were aggressors and fought on foreign territory. But as many Soviet soldiers were not happy with Bolsheviks, there were many who surrendered, while Germans did not want to surrender.

Well, that makes sense...

Because there was a lot of dissatisfaction with the Bolsheviks' policies....

+100% My grandfather never acknowledged the Communist thuggery until his death. And now their descendants are in power and once again teaching them how to live their lives, what to watch and read.
And surrendering the city, not surrendering the city, is taboo. Don't you see the difference?

It's just a question. If you don't like it, change the channel. This is obscurantist ....

The spirit of the Soviet soldiers was higher because our soldiers were defending their land, their families, their people and their homeland. They fought for a just and righteous cause, unlike the Germans, who were aggressors and fought on foreign territory. But as many Soviet soldiers were not happy with Bolsheviks, there were many who surrendered, while Germans did not want to surrender.

Well, that's logical, eh...

What are you dissatisfied with? Give us your answer. Let's discuss it. Everyone is very good at asking questions. But there are fewer people willing to answer questions.