Market theory - page 151

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Everyone analyses the market by studying past movements. Or is there an alternative?
The question is why do they analyse?
Виталий Кононюк:
The question is why analyse?
To identify any patterns. Are you suggesting that we should not study? We do not know the future. What, then, to do?
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
To identify any patterns. Are you suggesting that we don't study them? We do not know the future. What, then, to do?

Let's also study the impact of a possible samovar orbiting Mars and how that affects the Eurobucks. Well we already have lions bears and moose, why not add a samovar with biscuits?

What patterns, consistently recurring, have you identified so far?

Виталий Кононюк:

Let's also study the impact of a possible samovar orbiting Mars and how that affects the Eurobucks. Well we already have lions bears and moose, why not add a samovar with biscuits?

What patterns, consistently recurring, have you already identified?

1. The samovar influences are capable of being studied on their own;

2. In addition to the current price C (Bulls or Bears) which we observe on the terminal, there are virtual market prices P (Bears or Bulls) which are closely connected with the current price C and which are mutually transformed, so to speak, by the will of the optimal price Copt (Leo) and the average market price Cp (Leopard). These levels are connected by the following regularity, which turns into an identity:

1. Цr = Цr - (+) А;

2. P =Cr + (-) A;

3. A = (Tsr^2 - Tsopt^2)^0.5;

4. Cp = (Cp^2 - Copt^2)^0.5; 4;

5. Tsopt = (Tspr*C)^0.5;

6. Cpr = - S/Y - the marginal price that the market generates;

Substituting (4) and (5) in (3) we obtain

A = (Cpr - S/Y)/2;

Substituting (1) and (2) we reveal the mechanism of interconversion in the form of two identities

a) Ts = (Tspr + Tspr)/2 - (Tspr - Ts)/2 = Ts (identical!);

b) P = (Cp + Cp)/2 + (Cp - Cp)/2 = Cp;

c) C = (Cp + Cp)/2 + (Cp - Cp)/2 = Cp = R

d) P = (Cp + Cp)/2 - (Cp - Cp)/2 = Cp.

The whole chain of the above regularities is observed in the market with computer accuracy.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

1. The influences of the samovar are capable of being studied on their own;

2. In addition to the current price C (Bulls or Bears), which we observe on the terminal, there are virtual market prices P (Bears or Bulls), which are closely related to the current price C and which are mutually transformed, so to speak, by the will of the optimal price Copt (Leo) and the average market price Cp (Leopard). These levels are connected by the following regularity, which turns into an identity:

1. Цr = Цr - (+) А;

2. P =Cr + (-) A;

3. A = (Tsr^2 - Tsopt^2)^0.5;

4. Cp = (Cp^2 - Copt^2)^0.5; 4;

5. Tsopt = (Tspr*C)^0.5;

6. Cpr = - S/Y - the marginal price that the market generates;

Substituting (4) and (5) in (3) we obtain

A = (Cpr - S/Y)/2;

Substituting (1) and (2) we reveal the mechanism of interconversion in the form of two identities

a) Ts = (Tspr + Tspr)/2 - (Tspr - Ts)/2 = Ts (identical!);

b) P = (Cp + Cp)/2 + (Cp - Cp)/2 = Cp;

c) C = (Cp + Cp)/2 + (Cp - Cp)/2 = Cp = R

d) P = (Cp + Cp)/2 - (Cp - Cp)/2 = Cp.

The whole chain of the above patterns is followed in the market with computer accuracy.

Have you tried applying this case to stocks, Bulls and Bears existed before the abolition of the gold standard.

Your calculations compare if:


And if B=A-C.

Then C=A-B, which is always confirmed in practice!

But if we do not know the values of ABC, then what is the point of the pattern?

Виталий Кононюк:

Have you tried applying this case to stocks, Bulls and Bears existed before the abolition of the gold standard.

Your calculations compare if:


And if B=A-C.

Then C=A-B, which is always confirmed in practice!

But if we don't know the values of ABC, then what is the point of the pattern?

1. I haven't tried to apply it to stocks, but it should work;

2. An incorrect comparison. In this case everything is known. We take Ts from the terminal, and Tspr - we calculate by the given formula.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Where can I see what the market price level stacks up against the overbought and oversold alternative to the actual price level?

in the Depth of Market? where the buyers and sellers are separated - that's where the equilibrium price level is. You could be more specific - in the middle of the spread...

or do you mean something different and i just don't understand you correctly?

any sophisticated system comes down to 2 signals - buy or sell.

And when to do it, like right now.

Yes, you can give a third signal - which instrument to use...

and the fourth signal is optional - the power to enter the market - i.e. how much to buy/sell.

all other intricacies are good for messing with competitors or rich sponsors who are addicted to pretty charts, complicated words, and flashing lights for incomprehensible purposes...

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

. In this case everything is known. You take Ts from the terminal, and you calculate Tspr using the formula above.

Using technical analysis in market trading is like driving a car while looking in the rear-view mirror. If the driver hits a pole while doing so, the pole is called Black Swan. ))
Виталий Кононюк:
Using technical analysis in market trading is like driving a car while looking in the rear-view mirror. If the driver hits a pole while doing so, the pole is called the Black Swan. ))
This begs the question - how do you start looking through the windscreen? ))
Daniil Stolnikov:
This begs the question - how do you start looking through the windshield? ))

You can't do that.

You always have to look for an arbitrage trade. You have to buy something and sell something, so that together you can make a profit.