Market theory - page 72

Alexander Ivanov:
The rest stop? Who is he? The guru again? Like Yusuf?
Who is he, I'm talking about the links he gave, not him.
Thought I'd come here this afternoon... hear about antelopes and rhinos... and here it is )))
Thought I'd come here this afternoon... hear about antelopes and rhinos... and here it is.)
i'm hilarious on their thread, especially the zoo one))))
Please give me the link to Privalov. It's difficult to search from a smartphone.

as if there is a worthwhile theory, especially if it's in a release, it's a closed topic by default :)

you are not in the attraction. there is money to be made if there is money to be made again

and if so, who will just give the tool away?

even if they do give it away, tomorrow it will be the other way around, the QC does not sleep and there are many (QC), every tool has its subtleties, I mean where the rips

Alexander Ivanov:
Please give me the link to Privalov. It is difficult to search from a smartphone.


as if there is a worthwhile theory, especially if it's in a release, it's a closed topic by default :)

you are not in the attraction. there is money to be made if there is money to be made again

and if so, who will just give the tool away?

and if so, who gives it away, tomorrow it will be the other way around, the QC does not sleep and there are many of them, any tool has its own subtleties, I mean where to tear

Who is giving you the tools? Learn the basics first, then think. Your branch is called "Market Theory", right? So study the subject.)

Основные теории рынка. Макроэкономический анализ | Рефераты KM.RU
Основные теории рынка. Макроэкономический анализ. 1. Сущность рынка и основные виды рынков. 2. Основные функции рынка. 3. Основные факторы рыночного саморегулирования. Рынок в обыденной жизни чаще всего ассоциируется с продуктовым рынком, с базарами и рынками где можно купить одежду, мебель, хозтовары. В научной жизни рынок – это...
I hate to disappoint you, but the results can be measured by the proverb: "the mountain has birthed the mouse".
Dear khorosh, it was not in your nature to rush but you did. The thing is, it's a "Cut Profit or Loss" option on every entry. You see, this is ridiculous. Soon I'll show you the option
"Grow profits while they're growing and cut losses immediately ", which will show you the true power of the TS. I think you know what we're talking about.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Dear khorosh, it was not in your nature to rush But, you did. The thing is, it's a "Cut Profit or Loss" option , on every entry. You see, this is ridiculous. Soon I'll show you the option
"Grow profits while they're growing and cut losses immediately ", which will show you the true power of the TS. I think you know what we are talking about.
Yusuf, God willing, everything will work out for you. I was only evaluating the chart you posted. And if you add something else to your theory, it may well turn out something worthwhile.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Dear khorosh, you were not in a hurry But you did. The thing is, it's a "Cut Profit or Loss" option on every entry. You see, this is ridiculous. Soon I'll show you the option
"Grow profits while they're growing and cut losses immediately ", which will show you the true power of the TS. I think you know what we are talking about.

Yusufhoja, will there be any specifics? Let's take the same euro, I have potential entrances for selling from 1.1070 and 1.11, if these figures give us a chance to sell, if not, it means no, as I said, it is too early to buy.

Numbers, figures, specifics, not fairy tale animal baby stories)

Keep learning "market theories in words", which are nothing but words. There is no room for words in real theory!