Make your first million - page 167

Daniil Stolnikov:
Valeriy Odintsov, do you always believe what you are told by others? Or do you know these people personally? You can say, write and draw anything. The question is to what extent this information is true. And as practice shows, much of this information is nothing but FALSE!

In particular, there are myths on the net that some people have managed to earn a million dollars or close to that amount within a year. This myth, I'm going to test it on my own experience. To prove or disprove that you bring neither I nor you will not get, no matter how hard you try. But most likely, this is a fantasy of a newly formed company-grubochka, which germinate every day and also rot away after a rains Well, it is for the best - the seeds are separated from the chaff

Who's drawing me what?

I took a screenshot in person at the company I trade for.

I know the traders.

i know the traders, i know them. i don't want to convince you of anything, it's a waste of time.

the only thing that bewilders is why you are lying....

I just don't understand the reason you're lying in public about new companies.

maybe the mushrooms are to blame...

it looks like your dreams of making money are still dreams... and will remain so...

Daniil Stolnikov added MetaTrader 4 signal from your stats | 2013.07.30
Lomaker MM

Daniil Stolnikov added MetaTrader 4 signal | 2013.07.30
Lomaker MM

Price: 20.00 USD, Gain: -99.32%
This signal is an attempt to increase the deposit from a couple of units/thousands of dollars to infinity. First attempts were ruined by excess of risks. Although the balance has grown quite good (means tab). Soon we will start again. I have been working on this for several years and I do not have any problems.

depo signal's gone...

Daniil Stolnikov Published MetaTrader 4 signal | 2013.11.29
Lomaker Roboforex Scalper

Gains: -18.32%

Daniil Stolnikov Published MetaTrader 4 signal | 2013.12.13
Lomaker Roboforex Scalper Moremilion

Gains: -73.02%
fast scalping - moremillion

goodbye million dollar dreams... it'll be gone soon.

and 17 more unreachable closed signals... apparently also dumped.

Stolnik is the ceiling.

You cannot even hold your own deposit...

valeriy odintsov:

Who's drawing me what?

I took a screenshot in person at the company I trade for.

Obviously, why do you give her publicity?

valeriy odintsov:

and i know the traders.

Come on!!! Really?
I couldn't think that you would answer in some other way...

valeriy odintsov:

the only thing that bewilders me is why you lie....

i do not understand the reason why you lie publicly about newfound companies.

Maybe the mushrooms are to blame...

My words send a message that you need to use your head. Yours is just a trick... I think it's clear who's the liar among us!!! Though I may be wrong.

valeriy odintsov:

it looks like your dreams of making money are still dreams... and will remain so...

Stolnik is the ceiling.

I hope you have poured your dirt? Well, listen and see - the show goes on.
Daniil Stolnikov:
Of course not, otherwise why are you promoting her?


All I'm saying is you need to use your head. All you're saying is you need to use your head... I think we know who's a liar. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

i hope you've poured your bowl of filth? well then listen and watch - the show goes on

there seems to be no cure...

in 2 years, 2 dozens of lost depots with signals - is that how you think with your head?

It's not a proper function.

If you think that you are a liar, it's easy to check who is one - compare screenshots with the brokerage website, which I do not name, but nevertheless I "PR" it.

Change your name to Bender - he also dreamed of a million...

and go back to your old business - click, click... 2 quid a day is a great income for you...

Just don't use Auto-Clicker again - or they'll figure you out and deprive you of what you've earned...

So what do we have in the end... My friend is a self-confident guy who dreams of making millions, has lost 3 Deposits, closed a couple hundred signals because of futility, has a web-site on Wordpress with all sorts of bullshit, was engaged in clicker activity, and cheated - did everything with auto clicker, which is prohibited by the rules of the site.

I hope I didn't leave anything out of your "honest" life?

the show goes on...

valeriy odintsov:

there seems to be no cure...

in 2 years, 2 dozens of lost depots with signals - is that how you think with your head?

It's not a proper function.

If you think that you are a liar, it's easy to check who is one - compare screenshots with the brokerage website, which I do not name, but nevertheless I "PR" it.

Change your name to Bender - he also dreamed of a million...

and go back to your old business - click, click... 2 quid a day is a great income for you...

Just don't use Auto-Clicker again - or they'll figure you out and deprive you of what you've earned...

So what do we have in the end... My friend is a self-confident guy who dreams of making millions, lost 3 Deposits, closed a couple hundred signals because of futility, has a web-site on Wordpress with all sorts of bullshit, was engaged in clicker activity, and he cheated - did everything with auto clicker, which is prohibited by the rules of the site.

I hope I didn't leave anything out of your "honest" life?

the show goes on...

well done - an A for homework!!! I see there's more in the cup, huh?

I see you're following in my footsteps. )) Better join the marathon than suffer through nonsense... Much more fun than persuading and baiting "rabbits" ;)

I see these types on a daily basis... visionaries, dreamers...

Dreaming of millions, losing one account with 10 quid, then the second with 20 quid...

Thank God, then he realizes that trading is not his game... he hasn't tried anything since spring...

but the aplomb remains... he's trying to stand out - he's trying to do his best to earn the million on a silver platter...

looking at a dashing avatar with a tuxedo and a cigar, dreaming of a beach and a laptop on it...

but in reality, you're a confused guy who doesn't have more than a couple dozen quid to spend on forex...

the best thing to do in your position is to go quietly into the shadows...

I can show you how to work, but it's better to sit down and take valerian beforehand... and don't say that it's all done with Photoshop...


the beginning of June. do you want the whole transaction history page by page or just one? it'll probably be 20 pages long... all in a similar vein...

that's the kind of trade you can make a million in.

valeriy odintsov:

the beginning of June. do you want the whole transaction history page by page or just one? it'll probably be 20 pages long... all in a similar vein...

that's the kind of trade you can make a million in.

You haven't made it yet? Well, go ahead and make it! and we'll watch and appreciate it, we'll clap for popcorn
valeriy odintsov:

the beginning of June. do you want the whole transaction history page by page or just one? it'll probably be 20 pages long... all in a similar vein...

That's the kind of trade you can make a million in.

Where are the losses? We're sitting on it?

А убыточные где? Пересиживаем-с?

There are a few losses - I stupidly clicked in the wrong place - the order closing cross andthe scroll bar are too close to the edge.

You're not happy - the strategy's wrong, the pearls are small... or the EA isn't earning as fast as it should...

You're always looking for the negative instead of the positive.

It's strange that no one said it was a demo... that it was photoshopped...

and mind you, I'm not selling the signal, I'm not looking for investors, I don't need it anymore.

valeriy odintsov:

There are a few losses - I stupidly clicked in the wrong place - the order closing cross and the scroll bar are too close to the edge.

You're not happy - the strategy's wrong, the pearls are small... or the EA isn't earning as fast as it should...

You're always looking for the negative instead of the positive.

It's strange that no one said it was a demo... that it was photoshopped...

and mind you, I'm not selling the signal, I'm not looking for investors, I don't need it anymore.

and again the words... you don't need it? why are you posting screenshots? why are you advertising on your profile? oops - that doesn't add up...

you're as rich as you say you are, why are you attacking people? maybe you don't have any money? are you mad at the world that's not nice to you? rich, happy, self-sufficient people do not do that!!! ))