FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 991


On the Canadian, the first has gone, 2 are waiting:

the canadian index rises:

Write a turkey, you'll be the coolest to drain...
it's a very good option when absolutely everything goes downhill and for a long time. you turn the prog upside down and you're lucky)
it's a very good option when absolutely everything goes downhill and for a long time. you flip the software upside down and you're lucky)

Here's a man made and there's no need to flip anything.

And you just have to use your head to do it, there's nothing complicated about it.

Опционные уровни (авторские или нестандартные методы)
  • 2013.04.01
  • aleksi77
Продолжение темы [Архив] Опционные уровни (авторские или нестандартные методы)

no more and no less than with the puttocalls...



more than.... i just didn't want to believe in such hi-loi because the risk would be very high, i thought maybe a narrower range and my thoughts were for nothing.

but if you remember the chiff - ugh unclean))))


and draw devils...

What have you got there? ))) Strange making waves again? )))
What have you got there? ))) Strange making waves again? )))
Hey there, wayfarer.

(whispering): Watermouth? (He's sanctifying it! ))
Take heed of the old man )))) He's got a point - options are our HUGE thing ))))