FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 780

It's a matter of taste, the price range also has an average value - you can change the range expansion when new prices come in (if necessary) and watch the whole zone without knowing how deep the price will go into it, or you can analyse the average of this zone - from a rectangle to a line, the essence has not changed.
I meant the redemption zones in your pictures are not 1 line but a series of lines that make up a "rectangular" zone.

The pose is recruited from a price or price range and it is most convenient to mark this zone with a horizontal line.

Where did you download the tool?
where did you download the software?
I meant the redemption zones in your pictures are not one line but a series of lines that make up a "rectangular" zone.
I understand that very well.
How did these levels come about? For example 15722.
Speculator, so why didn't you sit in buying the pound at least a figure, decided to run around the field following the example of the Master)?
Levels 1.5375 and 1.5383 remain down ...Remains owed
It's a matter of taste, the price range also has an average value, you can change the range expansion when new prices come in (if necessary), and watch the whole zone, not knowing how far into it the price will enter, and you can analyse the average of this zone, the line has become a rectangle, the essence has not changed.

Rena ... is that you ???
or another forex conqueror? )

Thank you !

Rena, is that you?
or is that another forex conqueror? )

Thank you !

It's not Rena, it's not the same writing style)

Thank you.)