FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 569

Is there any way I can redeem myself, O Mighty One?
kinky =) both ways =)
kinky =) both ways =)

Tell me, is schpoking any good? ))))

what was it you said about some kind of bet?

Let's hope Speculator was in the bay now on eurusd. Otherwise kaput the deposit, in spite of yesterday's 200 baht profit.

A clear divorce. It's going downhill just as fast. ))))

As a result, the price is still where it was an hour ago and the deposit is gone. ))))


Tell me, is schpoking any good? ))))

What was it you said about some kind of bet?

Check out..... I don't remember.
Let's hope Speculator was in the bay now on eurusd. Otherwise kaput the deposit, despite yesterday's 200 baht profit.
Did she go anywhere?)))
check..... I don't remember.
You said something about the Fed this morning, I don't remember.
You said something about the Fed this morning, I don't remember.
Ahhhhhh, waiting for March when the americans threatened to raise the rate.
Let's hope Speculator was in the bay now on eurusd. Otherwise kaput the deposit, in spite of yesterday's 200 baht profit.
euro is a bitch, he piled up the buy again.