FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1462


Ishim, show people the real bear )))) //coala for example...

by the way, congratulations! //33,6

If more bears join in 5 minutes, the eurik will go way down.
What do you think? Have they joined yet? )))
What's up? Have you joined yet? )))
Price will tell.
Price will tell.
Wise ))) (shamefully stepped aside)
Wise )))) (shamefully stepped aside).
growth time is over - come back tomorrow.
growth time is over - come back tomorrow.
Take care )))) May your PAMM grow forever )))

You see how the picture is on point.

I'm beginning to believe that most of the bears have slammed the door and are now starting to worry about being sold.....

Don't tell me about the Doll. This is the prose of life - a game of football on a minefield of price charts.

If the loy hasn't knocked out the previous loy, then who's selling ?????

The teddy bear bus is coming.
The teddy bear bus is coming.
Get lost, kid ))))) No one's coming.) Go get a beer. )))

I wonder where the euro will go next.

The euro was supposed to go down from 16:00 Moscow time but went up.

then the CB consumer confidence index (apr) came out worse than expected. and it was on.

they bastards knew the news about the stats beforehand.

Индекс доверия потребителей США от CB
Индекс доверия потребителей США от CB
Индекс потребительского доверия CB: 95,2 против прогноза в 102,5 - Показатель «Индекс потребительского доверия CB США» за прошлый месяц снизился вопреки ожиданиям. Об этом свидетельствуют данные, вышедшие во вторник.Согласно отчету, подготовленному ...