FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1466

Huh? Do you have a bai ))))) (it's not my fault who didn't hide)
When has it ever been your fault? ))) You're our ALL )))
When was it your fault? ))) You're our everything ))))
Our everything is Hottabych with a beard! )))) (I'm just a sidekick)
It's all ours, Hottabych and the Beard! Koloputny )))) (I'm just a handyman)

Where is he? Not coming in ... ( or he's waiting for his prediction to work out and then he'll come back.)
What did you do to upset him?)

Thank you !

Where is he? He's not coming in ... ( or he's waiting for his prediction to work out and then he'll come in)
Why are you upsetting him?)

thanks !
nothing, by the way, on the pound he said a small pullback and growth. (and it did.)

Where is he? He's not coming in ... ( or he's waiting for his prediction to work out and then he'll come back.)
Why are you upsetting him?)

Thank you !
resting (almost) in the garden ...

Deaver is on the scene. Imho. Wasn't at comp, tp triggered but early(( Hands to boo and higher. Would have been a good day. General, waiting upwards (from a month). On the day, reversal at 1.091 (maybe lower if they pass the level).

nothing, by the way on the pound he said a small pullback and a rise. (and it was)
was there a prediction on the pro-jumping shag?
Can't find it...

thanks !

Deaver is on the scene. Imho. Wasn't at comp, tp triggered but early(( Hands to boo and higher. Would have been a good day. General, waiting upwards (from a month). On the day, the reversal at 1.091 (may be lower if the level is passed).

Yesssss... the risk is off the scale.... and the purchase is almost at hail, just in case....

Deaver is on the scene. Imho. Wasn't at comp, tp triggered but early(( Hands to boo and higher. Would have been a good day. General, waiting upwards (from a month). On the day, reversal at 1.091 (maybe lower if they pass the level).

What place in the contest ?
probably 1580 ?
Thanks !

I thought they said 1.1035 earlier?

or has it already been replayed ?

thanks !
If it passes 1.10, then towards 1.13, but 1.10 is good support.