FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1406

my euras should be up by the end of the day))))
I agree )))) If sales close at 1pm there should be growth in the rest of the day ))))
I agree )))) If sales close at 1pm, there should be an increase in the rest of the day ))))
for moscow?
in Moscow?
My place is in Moscow )))
I have in Moscow )))

I've bought everything I can this morning.

at 12 noon there will be an entrance on the Eure...

I've bought everything I can this morning

If nothing changes, I will start buying the Euro at 2pm )))
"I'll sell you all, buy you all and sell you again, but at a higher price"). )))
"I'll sell you all, buy you all and sell you again, but at a higher price." )))

Sounds!) ))


Well, the levels are full, so if nothing happens, we'll be orienting at 12:00:

Is anyone else here adequate besides these pseudo oracles? ))

I got bored listening to this heresy - the yew is going up and they are going down. It's like the Guru's prediction - listen to it and do the opposite.