FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 88

There is speculation that the ECB will not raise the interest rate, so the eu is all in.
Yeah, that's the kind of thing that affects the exchange rate. it's too late to think about it today. they are putting out a rate at 4pm london time.... I'm not bidding on it, so I don't know where it is. The rate is about 50 fx and it affects swaps a bit.
Yeah, well, that kind of thing affects the exchange rate. It's a little late for that today. They're putting out a bid at 4pm london.... somewhere. I'm not bidding on it, so I don't know where it is. It's about 50 pikes and it affects swaps a bit.
I found it a long time ago))

as an aspect, the news is strong...

harrier TR 1069 - 1042...

What's that? I don't remember.)

as an aspect, the news is strong...

the harrier TR 1069 - 1042...

I've never tried it myself, but if it doesn't work, the zigzag should go down the drain.


There's still some time in the morning. Why don't you sit and wait for that moon, buy it here.

You won't sell, you'll buy, do you understand the difference?


There's still some time in the morning. Why don't you sit and wait for that moon, buy it here.

You won't sell, you'll buy, do you understand the difference?

gut. By that time the locomotive... I fucked him for 20 bucks )))) it was an accident, but it happened fast.

the sale of the moon really doesn't make sense yet.

gut. by then the steamroller...

What the fuck a steam train, in order to sell from an up-trend you have to determine exactly the POINT, otherwise while you sell half of the depo will die))))

The teacher shamed my gray hair, now every newbie will be pointing the finger - your GURA sells on the low

i have no idea what a steamroller is, in order to sell from an up-trend, you need to find the exact POINT, otherwise half of the depot will die)))
the bikes. nothing will get lost there. the henna's stocked up again...

The teacher shamed my gray hair, now every newcomer will be pointing the finger - your GURA sells at lo

Don't blaspheme, there's only one HE