FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 83

guessed it, so did I )))))


nothing more to add.

The habit is just a habit. once the test is over, there will be no such rule )))

The ceiling for the rouble is 45 ))))))))))) long time ago. (Yes! and pindostan is not the centre of the world - watch out you don't poop your pants with them)

Central Bank said at the beginning of September that it would hold from 44, second time I write, he said... take the crown off. The second time I wrote, he said to take the crown off.


Why waste your money on a demo? - You don't have it anyway!

the ruble ceiling of 45 ))))))))))) was mentioned a long time ago. (Yes! and pindostan is not the centre of the world - don't poop your pants with them).
Of course, given that today they announced that they would no longer support the ruble from the foreign exchange reserve. free float-iiiii.
naturally, given that they announced today that they will no longer support the ruble from the foreign exchange reserve.
Why waste your money on a demo? - You don't have it anyway!

Why waste your money on a demo? - You don't have it anyway!


So, yes, I have to salt the chiff and I did, I made the second pass. And the ruble's no good at all.

I will not play this game, I will not play from 47 for my own people.
Яндекс.Новости: Динамика курса USD ЦБ РФ, руб.
Котировки на Яндекс.Новостях: события, персоны, цитаты, самые обсуждаемые и горячие сюжеты. Последние новости России и Украины - автоматическое обновление каждые 10 минут.
Europe ordered to be oligarchs. and the rupee is falling. i will not play this game, i will be chasing from 47 for my own.
I will not play in this game, I will not drive at 47 for my own people.)