FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 65

harrier 1.340 1.280

The quid is not going to collapse in the short term. The US economy is the most powerful today, whether anyone likes it or not.

And what will be 100 years from now, we are not trading, are we?

Maybe 100 years from now, maybe tomorrow, but who cares?)
So there are no such prices.

Bicus, would we buy a computer like that?

And you are confused about something. I am not suggesting that anyone should buy anything.
And you are confused about something. I'm not offering to buy anything.
I mean, you need information to trade on funds. IBM is going out of business most likely.... it's not possible to pull a concern like this when the turnover's in the toilet...
So there are no such prices.
1.1340 1.1280 )))
When the quid collapses, not if, but when, there will be no money, only ammunition and stew.

It's not a nuclear bomb, it won't disappear in the blink of an eye. And then the yuan and the ruble will catch up.

Banks and stock exchanges are not idiots who came up with the idea of burying an honest way of taking money because of a quid.


It's not a nuclear bomb, it won't disappear in the blink of an eye. And then the yuan and the ruble will catch up.

The banks and stock exchanges are not idiots who came up with the idea to bury an honest way to steal money.

I don't see any problem with printing it. It's not the first time

The more they get further, the more virtual they are, the more they do not need to print.

But they haven't been able to fake gold yet, it's still a gram or two different, but they figured out )))) when they touched it... you can't buy it with virtual money...


It's not a nuclear bomb, it won't disappear in the blink of an eye. And then the yuan and the ruble will catch up.

The banks and stock exchanges are not idiots who came up with the idea of burying an honest way to steal money because of a quid.

You see, with technological progress and increasing literacy rates, more and more idiots realise that they are idiots.)