Interesting and Humour - page 4875


where's the steering wheel? asked gagarin.

the countryside said korolev

♪ ask me where the reins are ♪

go also say

(c) pirozhki


Looking for a sophisticated fragrance connoisseur with a talent for exploring, who dreams of experimenting daily, enjoying divine scents and creating extraordinary, delightful and enticing incenses to one day deduce the formula for the perfect perfume

Who is needed: Perfumer/evaluator
Where to: SBER
What it costs: Questions

What are the requirements:
- Able to see the task holistically whilst not leaving out the little details;
- Have a specialist background (ideally ISIPCA) and experience of working for large perfume companies;
- Know IFRA protocols and how to get an MSDS for the composition created;
- Willing to further develop the SberAroma range and launch fragrances for services across the ecosystem (perfume compositions dedicated to banking, film, music, food, smart gadgets, etc.).

What responsibilities:
- Create a non-standard fragrance according to the customer's idea;
- Draw up a brief for the production and supervise its implementation;
- Provide expert support to Sber marketers in promoting the new fragrance in the perfume market.

What are the terms and conditions:
- Competitive working conditions (contractual white pay);
- Flexible schedule with the possibility of working remotely;
- Experience in solving innovative problems.

To apply for the position, please contact the employer at

"ISIPCAis the International Institute of Perfumery, Food Flavourings and Cosmetics. You need a degree in chemistry, 30,000 euros and a willingness to spend the next two years studying.

A degree in chemistry. I wonder if a Russian degree will do or if a bachelor's degree is required.

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Who is needed: Perfumer/evaluator
Where needed: SBER

Sber has broken up:

"We are a friendly, ambitious team of professionals who are preparing to launch a range of new healthcare products with digital services in the Bank's online channels."

"In order to achieve a long-term technological competitive advantage, Sber has established and operates innovative laboratories that conduct research and development activities in the most promising technological areas, such as AR/VR. AI, blockchain, robotics, cybersecurity, gamification."

More on Sber's thoughts:


It just fell in hail...



Vitaly Murlenko:

A German law professor had the entire class fail in a written exam with a problem like this: Resolve a dispute between two neighbours: the branches of the apple trees in one neighbour's garden were overhanging the tulip beds of the other, and the falling apples were breaking the fragile flower stems.

One part of the students sided with the tulip lover, the other defended the gardener. All together shone with their profound knowledge of the intricacies of the puzzling German law.

As a result it turned out: apples fall in the autumn and tulips bloom in the spring. Therefore, the situation created by the bastard professor would never happen in real life.

All protests were parried coldly by the professor: you have to use your common sense before recollecting articles and paragraphs.

A professor of medicine teaches students . A doctor should be considerate and not squeamish . He stuck his finger in the dead man's bottom and asked who could repeat it. One student did it. The professor said: "You're not squeamish, but you're not attentive. I put one stick in, but I licked the other. "

My nephew is in first grade and was given 500 roubles for pocket money. What will a first grader buy with this money? Candy or jokes of some kind. This one didn't, he bought 2 kg of nails. What do you need nails for? The construction headquarters answered) The right childhood!
90s, cockroach infestation in my sister's flat. The cockroaches found gouache and ate it. And when the cockroach was killed, it left a bright trail. Bang red, bang yellow, bang green)))

The creator of T9 has died.

Earth to his fluff.

Wash up with a beer.