Interesting and Humour - page 4874

Aleksey Nikolayev:

In essence, lying in a pile is fermentation)) You just need to stop this fermentation at the right moment by drying when heated)

I usually dry herbs straight away (or rather my wife does))) ). I haven't seen it in practice here, first stew the herb and only then dry it)))

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

I usually dry the herbs straight away (or rather my wife does)). ). I haven't seen it in local practice to put the grass out first and only then dry it)))

Fermentation of the willow herb is a must to get quality, aromatic yew tea.
Valeriy Yastremskiy:

I usually dry the herbs straight away (or rather my wife does)). ). I haven't seen it in local practice to put the grass out first, and only then to dry it)))

In addition to hay, there is also silage)) So, we can assume that tea is mostly hay, but also a little bit of silage)

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

But in cryptography, I haven't met any happy fates.

Yes, for example, we can remember the sad end of Caesar, who used a cipher named after himself)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Yes, for example, we can remember the unfortunate end of Caesar, who used a cipher named after himself)

Caesar is an ordinary user) But the state in most cases interferes in the lives of cryptographers, and not always in the best way, where a golden cage is often the best way out)

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Caesar is an ordinary user) But the state in most cases interferes in the lives of cryptographers, and not always in the best way, where a golden cage is often the best way out).

Still, these are not conscripts who have not been asked, but adults who have made an informed choice. I am reminded of the anecdote about firefighters - a good job, salary, team, but if there is a fire, you have to quit).

Aleksey Nikolayev:

It is not conscripts who have not been asked, but adults who have made an informed choice. I am reminded of the anecdote about firefighters - good job, salary, team, but if there is a fire, you have to quit).

Just do not think about conscious choice.... With firefighters everything is easier) When people ask me, what specialty to enter for children, there is an expensive specialty data protection, I always warn, if a child suddenly jumped high in the specialty data protection, at a certain stage it will not be able to fully control their destiny)

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Decorators bug in your python extention! · Issue #15923 · microsoft/vscode-python
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After 4 months, you did nothing to solve an important problem with decorators and you were even too lazy to reproduce it. Whereas a lot of people have confirmed the problem. This raises questions i...
He said: "Let's go!"

He waved his hand.

Wow, wow, we're all astronauts. (folk ;)