Interesting and Humour - page 4637

Andrey F. Zelinsky:
7 strange signs of someone who is smarter than everyone else around them

3. You use foul language
Obscene swearing is considered an indicator of low intelligence and a lack of education. But the theory that people resort to it when they lack a vocabulary is just that - a theory. Research shows that people who can afford to swear are not only able to come up with more insults but in general have a bigger vocabulary than others.

Fluency in profanity is also related to fluency. The more words you generate in one category, the more you will come up with counterparts to them in another. Linguistic ability is one measure of intelligence, and it's not surprising that intelligent people know more profanity, even if they don't use it often. To know how and when to use these words correctly requires a sufficient level of intelligence.

Reminds me of


somewhere out there, far, far away...



Yuriy Zaytsev:


И? Shall we go drown our smartphones? Who's in?


No drinking, no eating, no sleeping. Grow your teeth a third time.


And then, a club of the initiated and on wigmans via teleportation straight to the bright future.


It's been three years, where can we see the results?

Maybe it's time to go up to 75 and we don't know.


will know !


It's been three years, where can we see the results?

Maybe it's time to go up to 75 and we don't know.

They said the results would come in 4 years, but it's been 3.


I'm sorry ... my favourite (letters in khmai and engl ...geez...)
