Interesting and Humour - page 4220

Aleksey Ivanov:
If you start fantasizing about the occult, "What, in your opinion, contributes to success in trading: (1) initiation to the higher divine light or (2) to the dark forces?

I'm not into fantasies). All working and repeatedly tested... higher light is simply infinite light energy to man for life and after death coming from the source - nothing new here in principle ... in the material world it is usually of no use, so it cannot help you in trading...

Aleksey Ivanov:
Conducting psychological experiments directly on the forum is original, but direct contact with the audience is much better. I believe that the experience, when the impact comes through writing on the forum, is doomed to failure.

No, Kashpirovsky and Chumak did experiments through TV and it was OK. New technologies can also be conducted on the forum.

Only Darkness Only Hardcore!

Yes, it makes sense, Christ criticised the rich, saying that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to go to heaven". And for our oligarchs, they must be creating a special hell, wondering what kind of torture to invent for them, the bastards.
Alexandr Saprykin:

No, Kashpirovsky and Chumak did experiments through TV and it was OK. New technologies can also be used on the forum.

Yeah, the forum was just upgraded))) to conduct better signals and streams))

Aleksey Ivanov:
Well, yes, it makes sense, Christ criticized the rich, saying that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get to heaven. And for our oligarchs, they must be creating a special hell, wondering what kind of torture to invent for them, the bastards.

It depends on which camel. If it's the Arab sheikh's favourite camel, I don't think so...
Aleksey Ivanov:
Yes, it makes sense, Christ criticised the rich, saying that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to go to heaven". And for our oligarchs, they must be creating a special hell, trying to figure out what kind of torture to invent for them, the bastards.
You're a little out of date, hell is just wrapped up in the afterlife... the greatest torment is for the dark soul when it enters the light...

I'm not into fantasies)) Everything is working and repeatedly tested ... the higher light is simply infinite light energy to man for life and after death coming from the original source - nothing new here in principle... in the material world it is usually of no use, so it cannot help you in trading...

Does it mean that divine energy does not help at all in life? People pray to God, are they all (together with priests of cults) fools? That everybody is a fool, it cannot be so.
Aleksey Ivanov:
Does it mean that divine energy does not help at all in life? And why people pray to God, are they all (together with ministers of cults) fools? That all around are fools, it cannot be so.

god is light, if they pray to him, they would feel light, but if they do not feel light, they pray to someone or something else.... . it is simple.

You're a little out of date, hell is just wrapped up in the afterlife... the greatest torment is for the dark soul when it enters the light...
I know I'm a dinosaur myself. It's just a pity, as you write, that there's no hell. Our scoundrel oligarchs will go to paradise to be tormented only by their conscience, because they do not have it.
Aleksey Ivanov:
I know I'm a dinosaur myself. The only pity is that, as you write, there is no hell. They will put our scoundrel oligarchs in paradise to be tormented only by their conscience, as they have no conscience.

The dark forces correct evil by multiplying evil, while the light ones do it all with light and good...