Interesting and Humour - page 4225


Usually the adherents of religions stress conscience, justice, kindness...
but conscience and religion are very different things,
and that's where you get confused,
you don't have to be religious to have a conscience,
the opposite is also true ))))
Thus, simple logic shows that religion is unnecessary here too...

Just because some adherents say something does not mean that they understand the essence of religion and what it was conceived by its creators...

It is therefore incorrect and foolish to analyse their behaviour from the outset.

One should also take into account that one always believes in something, for instance in some dogmas and superstitions, even the most desperate atheists who deny everything concerning the non-material world.

So it turns out that even atheists worship their beliefs, which is a typical type of religious idolatry, even if they do not hold any statues, amulets and man-made symbols to worship them.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

But there is a very essential difference between "the slaves of God" and all other varieties of slaves: the slaves of God prepare their soul to present to God - a hopeless crowd for enrichment at their expense.


In Christianity, among the most free people are monks, and in the old days there were believers who considered monks not free enough - they went away to forests, into caves, lived on handouts - did not depend on anything and nobody: they were occupied only with themselves - this is freedom.

Dark medieval people were given hope of a bright afterlife if they fulfilled certain religious precepts.

Of course, that it does not affect the character of man and generally unable to change it for the better, although religious rituals have magical powers if done by people with magical powers ...

That is why, for example, churchmen have always tried to get such people in their system, because many people, especially uneducated people, are hungry for any miracles - if to show a man a miracle, it is easy to recruit him to this or that denomination.

It is clear that there is no freedom from the beginning, but on the contrary - to force a man to be a slave of his body, for survival in the wild or begging for alms...


One should also take into account that a human being always believes in something, for instance in some dogmas and superstitions, even the most desperate atheists who deny everything concerning non-material world.

So it turns out that even atheists worship their beliefs, which is a typical type of religious idolatry, even if they do not keep any statues, amulets and symbols of man-made to worship them.

That, by the way, is correct. Atheism is also a belief, since the absence of God is scientifically unprovable.

Aleksey Ivanov:

That's right, by the way. Atheism is also a belief, because the absence of God is scientifically unprovable.

So one should not be a believer, not an atheist, but an agnostic ))


The human body is mostly made up of water (blood).

So he who has no faith and no dreams is just a walking puddle!

отсутствие Бога научно недоказуемо. 
The absence of elves in the forest has not been scientifically proven either

One must also consider that one always believes in something, such as some dogmas and superstitions

Yes, there are some people who believe in astral beasts and divine illumination

Ihor Herasko:

So one should not be a believer, not an atheist, but an agnostic )).

Better yet, don't be labeled at all, but practice.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

The human body is mostly made up of water (blood).

So he who has no faith and no dreams is just a walking puddle!

A puddle at best. More often it's a pile of shit, a walking pile of shit made up of 99% water.

If your thighbone is upright, it can withstand pressure of 1.5 tons, tibia even more - 1.6-1.8 tons, humerus is "only" 850 kg. Rib fracture strength of the young subjects ranges from 85-110 kg per one square centimeter, the elderly, of course, have less - only 40 kg. Believe this information at once and don't try to break bones.

A person with a faith, a dream, an idea can withstand much more.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

The human body is mostly made up of water (blood).

So whoever doesn't have faith and dreams is just a walking puddle!

The one with faith is a walking puddle of dreams.