Interesting and Humour - page 3941

Andrew Petras:

Oh, is it?



Dmitry Fedoseev:

If you think of MarkTwain, you can think of Tom Sawyer and how he hated going to church on Sundays.

No problem, remember - if it's interesting, not if "somebody owes somebody something".

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Andrew Petras:

Rather than clarify the relationship, tell us where the saying "flowery flower" comes from. (cartoon doesn't count)?

Vladimir Karputov:

Rather than clarify the relationship, tell us where the saying "flowery flower" comes from. (cartoon doesn't count)?

The etymology is probably as ancient as "semigorje", "semirechye"; originally had a sacred meaning.

ps from where Kataev dug it up, not known.
Vladimir Karputov:

Rather than clarify the relationship, tell us where the saying "flowery flower" comes from. (the cartoon doesn't count)?

Before the cartoon, there was a fairy tale, on which the cartoon was made, and before that it is unknown.

Andrew Petras:

The etymology is probably as old as "semigorje", "semirechye"; it originally had a sacred meaning.

ps where Kataev dug it up from, I don't know.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Before the cartoon there was a fairy tale, it was the cartoon made from it, and before that it is unknown.

There is a theory that it referred to a rare flower, the result of an intraspecific mutation.

Vladimir Karputov:

There is a theory that it was a rare flower - the result of an intraspecific mutation.

I remember a long time ago, a year, maybe two years ago, you posted a picture of a tropical flower like this.

I killed a lot of time to find seeds back then.

Anyway, maybe, but I don't think so. Seven flowers might turn out to be just a tropical exotic. The number of flowers is not enough, there has to be some "magical", "mystical" component, even if it ends up being aspirin from willow bark.

10 самых необычных цветов мира
10 самых необычных цветов мира
  • 2013.05.30
  • Т-Факт
Каждый день мы привыкли видеть цветы, ставшие для нас банальными, но не смотря на это безумно красивыми: ромашки, тюльпаны, розы, одуванчики, фиалки и т.д. Тем временем в разных уголках нашей планеты произрастают настолько необычные по своей природе, внешнему виду и приспособленности цветы, что просто не перестаёшь удивляться растительному и...
Vladimir Karputov:

In the accepted system of security in relation to the distribution of confidential information, it is very common for a photo posted on the Internet to have virtually all of the properties of the file removed. As an example this is a photo:

It's understandable. I found the picture, and the kind of colours it was under. A search on the view ended up with nothing, the catalogues turned up other flowers.

ps not today, will look for that picture/post.

ps2 this post too then delete after reading it.
Andrew Petras:

It's understandable. I found the picture, and the type of flower it was under. A search by species ended up with nothing, the catalogues turned up other flowers.

ps not today, will look for that picture/post.

You can search through the phrase and username, search area "Forum" (use the forum engine, top right).

Added: it turned out that file properties are not always deleted :)

Added added: let it be.

Vladimir Karputov:

Added: It turns out that file properties are not always deleted :)

Perhaps it depends on the format of the picture.