Interesting and Humour - page 3917

Lazar Buga:
Don't you care about the integrity of your country? Do you need it? The Chinese have leased how many hectares of land today and for how many years? This is a pop quiz to test your competence.

And that's only legally, and the amount of black market is just ridiculous. A resident of the Krasnodar region once told me that, ok, the fertile layer is cut off and taken away by the Vietnamese or Chinese to their greenhouses, where they naturally suck everything out of it in a short period of time and "burn it off" with chemicals. After that, it is not suitable for fertility. And so on. The lava flows, they cut it off, not without officials and small floats.

When the inauguration takes place, the president puts his hand on the constitution and swears to respect it. And the constitution explicitly says to uphold the integrity of the state. So they are both oath-breakers and traitors, that is clear to all sober-minded people, and if you do not understand it, then you are not one of them)))

Naturally, the integrity clause would come first in the USSR constitution. What do you think is the first clause in North Korea? And in Kampuchea, which clause came first? - And who put them there? How many times do you have to write before you realize that the state is first and foremost about the people who live in it, not the territory? What good is integrity to you personally?

Besides, Gorbachev did not break integrity, but put everything back in its place. Why do you have such a one-sided approach to integrity?

Apart from the integrity clause, the constitution has a lot of other things - human rights (or should have).


And that's only legally, and the amount of black market is just ridiculous. A resident of the Krasnodar region once told me that, ok, the fertile layer is cut off and taken away by the Vietnamese or Chinese to their greenhouses, where they naturally suck everything out of it in a short time and "incinerate" it with chemicals. After that it is not suitable for fertility. And so on. The lava is coming, they cut it off, not without officials and small floating around.

Thanks, but I'm waiting for an answer from khorosh .


Opened the constitution of the USSR, read up to the point:

Статья 2. Вся власть в СССР принадлежит народу.

got mad, closed the constitution. Are you the one accusing Gorbachev of violating this constitution?

Sergey Golubev:

Vladimir Meshkov 1919-2012
The reindeer are swimming

Screw the reindeer - who's bullying you there? Who's the bullying from - let us break that deer's horns.

Who was there threatening you in person?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

What do you mean the people did not give? The people elected him, so he gave him, and that is the end of the mandate of the people. Gorbachev justified his trust by stopping the crazy arms race and freeing the country from communist despotism. Integrity - the country is the people, not the territory. Besides the constitution is being rewritten by the president perfectly well - we have already seen that, but for some reason you do not question the legality of that action. Your approach to legitimacy and authority is strange.

And a question for you all of a sudden - why are you concerned about integrity and what use is it to you personally?

And another thing about integrity: all the countries that were part of the USSR retained their integrity, including Russia.

Don't make people laugh by showing your complete incompetence. Gorbachev did not stop the arms race, the US continued to build up conventional weapons and gained a huge advantage in them. At the same time, together with NATO, they deployed new bases close to the Russian border.

This is ridiculous: it turns out that there were other countries inside USSR. I wonder if you have at least completed secondary education.


And here is the most interesting thing from the USSR Constitution:

Article 29: The relations of the USSR with other states shall be based on respect for the principles of sovereign equality; mutual non-use of force or threat of force; inviolability of frontiers; territorial integrity of states; peaceful settlement of disputes; non-interference in internal affairs; respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; equality and the right of peoples to master their destiny; cooperation between states; compliance in good faith with obligations arising from universally recognised principles and norms of international law, from concluded

See the emphasis on the territorial integrity of states (plural).

Sergey Golubev:

Vladimir Meshkov 1919-2012
The reindeer are floating

Are there any Aivazovsky paintings?

Don't make people laugh by showing your complete incompetence. Gorbachev did not stop the arms race, the US continued to build up conventional weapons and gained a huge advantage in them. At the same time, together with NATO, they deployed new bases close to the Russian border.

This is ridiculous: it turns out that there were other countries inside USSR. I wonder if you have at least completed secondary education.

Didn't you know? The USSR consisted of as many as 15 republics, once sovereign and independent states.


khorosh I am still waiting for an answer - how much land has been given to China today?