Interesting and Humour - page 3914

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
The US should not be underestimated. Russia and the US are equally powerful, and the power of each individually is enough to blow the planet out of orbit. Therefore, both superpowers must respect each other equally; there is no other alternative. I don't understand why hotheads don't understand this restraining, yet ominous, truth.
Hotheads do understand it. It's just that they make money from selling weapons.

And if another state doesn't have the power to "blow the planet out of orbit" - it shouldn't be respected?

At least other countries, so far, are not mocking Russia. Again, everyone is annoyed by Russia's vast territory and does not understand that it was inherited from its great and invincible ancestors. There remains a relative weakness in cyberspace: Swift, Windows, internet and high tech are the costs of declaring cybernetics "pseudoscience". The good news is that Russian pupils take first places in programming at almost all world olympiads. It means that parity in this field is not far off.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
The United States should not be underestimated. Russia and the U.S. are equally strong, and the power of each individually is enough to blow the planet out of orbit. Therefore, both superpowers must respect each other equally; there is no other alternative. I don't understand why hotheads don't understand this restraining, yet ominous, truth.

I was considering the non-nuclear option for war. Both powers realise that using nuclear weapons is suicidal. In the US, a large percentage of soldiers are African-Americans. In case of any danger they usually flee. Even in desperate situations, when the enemy is heavily outnumbered, our troops fight to the bitter end, sometimes calling upon their own artillery fire.

Battle at Hill 776

The hero who called the fire on himself in Syria is called Alexander Prokhorenko
Бой у высоты 776 — Википедия
Бой у высоты 776 — Википедия
Дата Место Итог Противники Командующие Силы сторон Потери Огневую поддержку десантникам оказывал артиллерийский дивизион 104-го парашютно-десантного полка. Среди руководителей боевиков назывались Идрис, Абу аль-Валид, Шамиль Басаев и Хаттаб: подразделения последних двух полевых командиров в СМИ названы батальонами «Белые ангелы» (по 600...
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
At least other countries, so far, are not mocking Russia. Again, everyone is annoyed by Russia's vast territory and does not understand that it was inherited from great and invincible ancestors.

The Great Mongol Empire also came to the Mongols in the 13th century "from great and invincible ancestors".


And what about the Great Roman Empire, "inherited from great and invincible ancestors"?


The Great Mongol Empire also came to the Mongols in the 13th century "from great and invincible ancestors".


And what about the Great Roman Empire "inherited from great and invincible ancestors"?

Only Russia was able to pass on its heritage to worthy generations. This shows once again the greatness of Russia. In all the schools of the world, history should be the main subject of instruction.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Only Russia has been able to pass on its heritage to worthy generations. This shows once again the greatness of Russia.

The Great Roman Empire lasted 500 years at the height of its power. How many generations is that?

The Mongols ruled for 300 years.


The Great Roman Empire lasted 500 years at the height of its power. How many generations is that?

The Mongols ruled for 300 years.

Russia is the greatest country in the world at the moment. I guess you can't argue with that fact?
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Only Russia has been able to pass on its heritage to worthy generations. This shows once again the greatness of Russia. In all schools of the world, history should be the main subject of instruction.
The main danger for Russia is the infiltration of traitors such as Gorbachev and Yeltsin into power, and an external enemy does not fear it.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Russia is the greatest country in the world at the moment. I guess you can't argue with that fact, can you?

How do you measure "greatness"? I can't argue without knowing the scale of measurement.