Interesting and Humour - page 3430

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Amazing! With such zeal for knowledge, the Chinese will conquer the world for the foreseeable future, as they have understood the true value of knowledge. Our children have to be lured by force to a school which is 100 paces away on a level road.

China is the future.

It has nothing to do with the desire for knowledge.

The Chinese live in a country called the Celestial Empire, which is the centre of the universe, from which the rest of the world sprang. The Chinese have the best. The most important thing, the most important thing for the Chinese is their history. No Chinese person would ever think of repenting for previous generations. They only remember the good things about their ancestors; if you rub their nose in the cultural revolution, they will shrug and show you a banknote with Mao's portrait on it.

The Chinese believe that everyone owes them. For example, they will never admit that they have stolen an idea, as they believe that they have not stolen an idea but have taken what is theirs.

Learn and learn from this wise people.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

More nonsense:

1. none of the Chinese people call their country the Celestial Empire - it was called that hundreds of years ago.

2. None of the Chinese people think they have it all - what exactly do they have it all? The largest population - that's all.

3. All Chinese people regret the Kuomintang period, the war with Japan and the monstrous sacrifices. That is at the very least. And that is the BAD part of their history they remember very well. Just like they remember the civil war very well. And a lot of other bad things.

4. None of the Chinese people think they are owed EVERYTHING. Only certain countries owe them. Some to compensate them for WW2 casualties, others to compensate them for territories stolen from China during the years of turmoil within China.

5. No one in China thinks that the ideas they stole belonged to them. They think they only steal the ideas and technology they refuse to sell them

The Rothschild clan or global parasite has inflated China with technology in a rather lopsided manner. The distortions and imbalances of this inflation are appalling! A one percent profit margin from the enterprise is the norm! If you like this life with the norm of water in a bowl on the snout and food in a bowl of rice and a bowl of freeze-dried noodles - go ahead, you are going the right way, comrades! Zyugan is swooning from such happiness. And with all his might he strives for the same!
Why are you deciding for the Chinese what they think or not. Do you even know any Chinese and, if so, have you asked them what they think? You are expressing your views under the guise that the Chinese supposedly think so.
Alexandr Saprykin:
...Do you even know any Chinese and if so, have you asked them what they think? ....
I do.
I do.
And asked what they think? Do you know many Chinese people?
Alexandr Saprykin:
And asked what they think? Do you know many Chinese people?


Asked. That's why I'm writing.


Asked. That's why I'm writing

I'm about to be accused of being an unrepresentative sample.)
I'm about to be accused of being an unrepresentative sample.)

Yes, I've already realised that myself.

They're going to accuse you of being an unrepresentative sample.)
It's already a battle of wits, 80s levels)