Interesting and Humour - page 3425

Again, it wasn't me.
You insist on it so much I can't believe it wasn't you. I think you've already made a kurtison with catskin padding
Alexey Busygin:
You insist on it so much, I can't believe it's not you. I think you already made a kurtison with catskin padding.
I did. Only the colour's a little different - the kitty was white with black spots.
Again, not me.
The soldier who said he didn't take it won't give it back.)
Microsoft выпустила пасьянс "Косынка" для операционных систем iOS и Android
Microsoft выпустила пасьянс "Косынка" для операционных систем iOS и Android
  • 2016.11.24
Москва. 24 ноября. INTERFAX.RU - Крупнейший мировой разработчик программного обеспечения Microsoft Inc выпустила приложение с пасьянсом "Косынка" для операционных систем iOS и Android. Приложение содержит современную коллекцию пасьянсов и других популярных игр Microsoft и предлагается бесплатно. Вместе с тем есть и платная подписка - за $1,99 в...
СанСаныч Фоменко:

Corruption is ONE criminal offence and has no place on political party flags. In my example, I gave an example of how the bugbear of "corruption" is used to cover up the real processes of the LEGAL looting of the country. If you put politics aside and look at the economic root, the picture of the world is completely different, because you stop at the word "robbery" and whether it is legal or not is no longer important.


A couple of years ago, you go to the clinic and give money to a doctor, or not - corruption, they shouted from all the irons and pots.

And now you can't go to the clinic without money, but everything is according to the law.

Pardon me, you're talking about the Sumerians and Peter, but I'm talking about the down-to-earth, about my interest.

San Sanych, the polyclinic is nothing. At the State Duma elections the day before last a neighbour came up to me, he's an alcoholic. I see that he is clean and sober. He proposed voting for the United Russia party, and I was given 500 rubles to sign for it. And then Putya was surprised at how dashingly ER had won; the wizard Churov had counted ER at 49%, which no one had expected.

Осторожно, политика! Внимание! Это статья про нечто, имеющее отношение к политике. Она, вне всякого сомнения, заангажирована в чью-то пользу. Nobody cares. Владимир Евгеньевич Чуров — бывший коллега Путина, гигант математической мысли, маг 80-го уровня (был помазан на сан самим шмеле), волшебник всей правящей илиты, толстенный тролль всего...
Alexey Volchanskiy:

San Sanych, the polyclinic is nothing special. At the State Duma elections the day before last, my neighbour, an alcoholic, came up to me. I saw that he was clean and sober. He proposed voting for the United Russia party, and I was given 500 rubles to sign for it. And then Putya was astonished at how dashingly ER had won, the magician Churov counted ER with 49%, which no one expected.

Corruption is one of the corrupt practices of underdeveloped countries.

But that is not the only scam.

The next dodge is called democracy.

Here we are now seeing in detail the election of the President of the USA. It is now clear to everyone that it is the states that elect the president, not the people of the USA. All sorts of recounts are meaningless. An extremely stable political system, which is able to react to the current problems in the country. And we have all this talk about Churov. What a problem. Convenient to shake up the whole situation in the country.

Democracy is a tool, not a goal. It is a tool for solving problems in society. It cannot be a goal in society with an easy, if not easy, scapegoating.

About ten years ago I started to penetrate into the meaning of words. I delved into the latest ones, the ones that have been an "achievement" for the last 25 years. And all fell into the category of "scam".

Here's democracy. Like the Greeks for 3,000 years, like rule by the people.

Get into it. What was the meaning of the word "democracy" in Greece 3,000 years ago?

Yes, they gathered and chose all the collective farm.

And who was part of the collective farm, called "the population of the city"?

Those who lived. The outsiders weren't part of it. The total population, God forbid, was a few tens of thousands of people. By our standards, a village, a district centre.

The social system was slave-holding. Judging by the level of culture, i.e. people not engaged in material production, there were to be not less slaves than people permanently living in the city. That is, minus half the population.

Women from ancient times were not considered people, another half minus. That's about 25% of the population. Children, teenagers...

Didn't get into the "electoral masses" further. But did delve into WHO could be elected.

  • male - gender prerequisite
  • over 30 years old - age qualification.
  • urban-born - territorial qualification
  • having a family with children - family qualification
  • having taken part in a war - patriotic qualification (readiness to die for the public good).
  • having taken part in a war as part of "heavy infantry" (armed with advanced and therefore very expensive weapons) - property qualification.

And now the question: what percentage of the population of ancient Greek cities could enjoy the "democracy" so vaunted in our country? Was there a Churov problem there?

Democracy is good where voters know each other well, know the problems well, and have a set of solutions to those problems. For example, democracy is ideal in a village, worse in a small town.

But electing a president by popular vote in tens of millions of votes is a divorce, and a very dangerous one for the overwhelming population, who don't want anything at all. There will always be a very narrow group of fighters for democracy and justice, who will find money abroad, use the money to find Churov and for the sake of power for themselves under that flag will do anything up to and including civil war. Do we need it, well, those who are at the keyboard around the clock?

At all times in human society there have been those who love to rule. So maybe they are among themselves?

Большинство американских студентов не могут отличить реальные новости от выдумки
Большинство американских студентов не могут отличить реальные новости от выдумки
Более 80% учеников американских средних школ и колледжей не могут отличить рекламные материалы и выдуманные новости от настоящих. Таким оказался результат исследования, проведенного Стэндфордским университетом. Об этом сообщает журнал . В опросе приняли участие более 7,8 тыс. студентов. Им показывали различные статьи и просили оценить...
Forbes признал главу «Газпрома» самым высокооплачиваемым топ-менеджером России
Forbes признал главу «Газпрома» самым высокооплачиваемым топ-менеджером России
  • 2016.11.24
  • Markus Schreiber / AP
Журнал Forbes представил пятый ежегодный рейтинг самых высокооплачиваемых руководителей российских компаний. Об этом в четверг, 24 ноября, сообщается на сайте издания. Первое место занял глава «Газпрома» Алексей Миллер, получивший, по информации журнала, 17,7 миллиона долларов за год. За ним следует президент «Роснефти» Игорь Сечин (13...
I ordered one. Only the colouring was a little different - the kitty was white with black spots
Well, there goes the recognition.