Interesting and Humour - page 3426

Oh, come on, it's good dancing!!! Winter's coming, there'll be frost soon, then you'll dance...
Alexey Volchanskiy:

And then Putya wondered how dashingly UR had won, the wizard Churov counting UR at 49%, which no one expected.

It's not just ER that can win elections.

In our district, the Communists won, most of the deputies are Communists, the chairman of the council of deputies is a Communist.

But they said from the top: "Put a United Russia politician as district mayor", and so they did.

The levers of control from above, you can break away, but there is no willpower, and they hinted that the district will not get anything if they elect a non-Unionist as head of the district.

Local authorities have no power over themselves! As long as the local government's trough is above (the budget is distributed from above), it will do as it's told from above.)

Коммунисты, назад!
Коммунисты, назад!
  • 2016.10.04
Мало кто заметил: в Вавожском районе Удмуртии коммунисты взяли власть. При этом никакая «Аврора» по реке Уве не плюхала и залпами лягушек не пугала. Никто не объявил село Вавож колыбелью революции. Просто на недавних выборах, которые мы почём зря ругали, КПРФ мирно получила убедительное...
we're having fun! It won't be long before male prostitution is judged by women for the quality of their marital duties.
Alekseu Fedotov:
Get a load of this
Alexey Busygin:
We live cheerfully! Soon we will reach male prostitution when women begin to evaluate the quality of marital duty.

I'm wondering why only men cheat, women don't cheat?

Put them all in jail at once. Let them all go to jail. That way 99% of the country would go straight to jail.)

СанСаныч Фоменко:


There is another interesting question - where do so many fans of sniffing the socks of the Czar himself come from.
Сбербанк: ОФЗ для населения могут быть выпущены номиналом в 1 тысячу рублей
Сбербанк: ОФЗ для населения могут быть выпущены номиналом в 1 тысячу рублей
Номинал облигаций федерального займа (ОФЗ) для населения может составить 1000 рублей, инструмент будет максимально доступным для граждан, сообщила зампред правления Сбербанка Белла Златкис. В Сбербанке считают готовящиеся Минфином облигации федерального займа для населения привлекательным для определенного круга лиц инструментом вложений, но...

For this "crime" the author of the idea suggested that men should be punished with imprisonment.

Even if it's a fake, it's interesting, isn't it? Women can do it, men can't, that's the secret cryptopolitics of matriarchy

Alexandr Saprykin:

I'm wondering why only men cheat, women don't cheat?

Put them all in jail at once. Let them all go to jail. So 99% of the country would go at once).

I'm no expert, but according to my data, women cheat many times more than men.