Interesting and Humour - page 3420

An advertisement next to the RZD ticket office.

"It says it all in detail, citizen."

They even wrote links to internal network resources )
Igor Konyashin:
An announcement next to the RZD ticket office.

"It's all there in detail, citizen."

They even wrote links to internal network resources )

Oooooh! ))))))))))))

You should post a smartphone from RZD here.

Отчет о «невозможном двигателе» официально опубликован
Отчет о «невозможном двигателе» официально опубликован
  • 2016.11.22
Журнал Journal of Propulsion and Power опубликовал отчет Eagleworks (подразделение NASA) о работоспособности EmDrive — электромагнитного двигателя, создающего тягу в вакууме без реактивной струи. Это означает, что статья прошла процедуру рецензирования в журнале. Ее текст совпадает с попавшей ранее в сеть копией препринта. Авторы работы...

Oooooh! ))))))))))))

here's a smartphone from russian railways to post

Monumental device :) How much does it weigh?!

Really touched.

Vitaly Murlenko:

It really touched me.

It gives me goosebumps! Thank you.)

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategy testing

Microsoft ready to make concessions on access to Outlook extensions to approve LinkedIn deal

dmitriy vityutin, 2016.11.22 14:10

BRUSSELS, Nov 22 (ANI). Microsoft, aiming to acquire LinkedIn Corp. for $26 billion, has proposed a series of concessions that would open rival business social networks to access to its Outlook software in an effort to seek approval from the EU antitrust regulator. The Microsoft plan has been revealed by knowledgeable sources.

Microsoft has offered to allow other social networks access to its Outlook software extension and application software interface if it is successful in completing its merger with LinkedIn. Sources added that some of the competing business social networks already have access to Outlook extensions.

The Outlook meeting calendar is expected to show a member's profile not only on LinkedIn but also on other similar networks, such as German business network XING.

In addition, Microsoft has promised that manufacturers such as Dell Inc. and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co. will be able to opt out of having a label for LinkedIn on desktop computers. In 2004, the EU antitrust regulator found Microsoft guilty of mandating the inclusion of additional products in the Windows suite.

However, none of the proposed concessions would provide competitors with direct access to LinkedIn's database, which Inc. has openly called for and lost its fight for LinkedIn. But sources note that even now no outside company has unrestricted access to LinkedIn data.

After Microsoft announced the possible concessions, the European Commission, the EU's antitrust regulator, sought comment from its rivals.

The current deadline for reviewing the deal expires on 6 December, but it could be extended if the regulator is left in doubt and decides to begin a thorough examination of all the terms.

The EU antitrust regulator has previously said it will scrutinise all mergers involving large amounts of data. In October it asked LinkedIn's competitors about the estimated value of LinkedIn's data and the ability of competitors to gather similar information.

Microsoft said the bulk of user data available to LinkedIn is also hosted on other social networks, including Facebook Inc., which should be considered part of the same market when analyzing the deal

Платежный сервис Qiwi выпустил кредитную карту «Совесть»
Платежный сервис Qiwi выпустил кредитную карту «Совесть»
Платежный сервис Qiwi выпустил беспроцентную кредитную карту «Совесть». Карта имеет кредитный лимит в размере от 5 до 300 тыс. рублей. Занять можно на срок до 1 года. За кредит не нужно платить, он предоставляется в рассрочку. Стоимость первого года обслуживания составляет 290 рублей, в последующие нужно заплатить по 590 руб. в год. Как сообщил...