Interesting and Humour - page 3416


And how can"King Arthur interviewed the entire female half of his kingdom for a year" when "King Arthur was caught by another king and imprisoned"? Formatted brains already, even blatant nonsense is not seen as nonsense?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

And how can"King Arthur interviewed the entire female half of his kingdom for a year" when "King Arthur was caught by another king and imprisoned"? Have your brains been formatted already, even blatant nonsense is not seen as nonsense?

That's just very vital, he didn't imprison them, he sort of imprisoned them, and the case was hushed up.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

And how can"King Arthur interviewed the entire female half of his kingdom for a year" when "King Arthur was caught by another king and imprisoned"? Formatted brains already, even blatant nonsense is not seen as nonsense?

It's a fairy tale, a parable. A fairy tale about women, as illogical as women themselves, not about King Arthur, if anything. And anyway, how would King Arthur collect the opinions of women while he was in prison? - He was released on his own recognizance, of course, and they took half a king's bail anyway.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

And how can"King Arthur interviewed the entire female half of his kingdom for a year" when "King Arthur was caught by another king and imprisoned"? Formatted brains already, even blatant nonsense is not seen as nonsense?

How, how, he let him go, on the king's word of honour, that he would return in a year, for his execution.
Alexey Busygin:
How, how, he let him go, on his royal word of honour, that he would return in a year, for his execution.
There's a sporting interest there.
Apple бесплатно заменит батареи iPhone 6S
Apple бесплатно заменит батареи iPhone 6S
  • 2016.11.21
  • Денис Яковлев
Претензии предъявляют очень небольшое число пользователей смартфонов Apple iPhone 6S, выпущенных в сентябре-октябре прошлого года. Эта проблема не угрожает безопасности, подчеркивается в сообщении Apple. Право на бесплатный ремонт будут иметь владельцы устройств во всем мире. Ремонт должен производиться в авторизованных сервисных центрах Apple...
Российские учёные добыли золото из угля
Российские учёные добыли золото из угля
  • 2016.11.21
  • Иван Ортега
Исследователи из Дальневосточного федерального университета создали экспериментальную установку, способную уловить до одного грамма золота на каждую тонну сжигаемого топлива. Опытно-промышленная система такого рода предположительно будет установлена в одной из котельных Амурской области уже в 2017 году. Устройство проводит дым от сгоревшего...
Server Muradasilov:

wow, I'll be digging up slag near the local boiler house this summer )))

ZS: Uh, no, I'll have to catch the smoke, business is out ))


Russian scientists have figured out how to get gold from coal.

I wonder how this will affect quotations.

Российские ученые научились делать золото из угля
Российские ученые научились делать золото из угля
  • 2016.11.21
Российские ученые из Амурского научного центра ДВО РАН научились делать золото из продуктов горения угля при помощи специальной экспериментальной установки. Для получения 1 г драгоценного металла необходимо сжечь 1 т угля. К такому выводу ученые пришли после того, как на протяжении 15 лет анализировали состав угля, добываемого в разных...
Alexandr Bryzgalov:
Wow, I'll be digging up slag near the local boiler house this summer)))
There is gold everywhere, but the percentage of it is high.) There is gold everywhere, but the percentage is higher than in the mountains, it is visible even with the naked eye.