Interesting and Humour - page 4200


ILNUR777 :
Вам бы книжки писать, а не на форексе сидеть)))).

Thanks for the feedback, it's just boring to stick into Forex all the time)))

maybe I'll get there and paperwork one day)))

Although the rapid exchange of information is not yet the way to protect yourself from the technology of fooling. The principles are the same as in ancient times, only the speeds and feed are modified.

Exactly - more information does not mean better

and now everyone is given the opportunity to file their own video channel or website

this is how all sorts of garbage sites appear with conspiracy theories and propaganda like and the like

and this info-garbage is fed by people whose critical analysis threshold is lowered

plus, besides, people really want to believe even despite the absurdity (c redo quia absurdum - here in the literal sense)

and they are ready to deceive themselves in order to be in a case of pleasant illusion

and since "a bad example is contagious" - then gradually it takes on a large scale

The question is how the concept of esoteric knowledge fits into all this. Or is it an analogue of the creation of a religious myth against the background of reality, only here the creation of a myth about secret knowledge against the background of ordinary psychological abilities of a person?

The latter is true - everything happens in the head

any magic and esotericism (and religion too) operates with the internal states of a person

take for example goetic invocations (a medieval analogue of spiritualism)

the most obvious interpretation of the 72 demons of the Goetia - the internal archetypes of the operator

they are grouped by function and character so that everyone can choose the option for themselves

and of course richly seasoned with medieval style and paraphernalia

style and paraphernalia are important so that the material is perceived naturally and believably

that is, it is important to match the cultural code of the material and the operator

for example, an attempt to study the ancient Egyptian magical tradition without preparation will be doomed to failure

similarly, the Abrahamic religions have no chance to interest modern man (without special processing)

for cultural codes have hopelessly diverged over the millennia

that is why all churches and sects pay special attention to missionary work (= invocation)

interesting that corporate b2b sales also include missionary work)))))))) real sects)))))

after all, without translation and explanation of the essence of the myth and doctrine, it will not be possible to lure a beginner into their "nets"

and as already discussed above, the Abrahamic ones noticeably lose to the reconstructed-adapted yoga and Zen Buddhism

and also yield to new age trends - precisely because they have a simple and understandable cultural code

and most importantly, they do not require incomprehensible absurd actions and blind faith from the adept

self-violence over the mind does not lead to anything good

by the way, as in forex - overtrading is very harmful

It seems to me that simple death, that in antiquity, that now, although stupid, even he needs some sacred confirmation, without which it will not be possible to maintain faith in him for a long time.

True - and the theologian fathers worked on it

they understand that the believer needs at least some manifestations of the divine

(after all, they do not want to share the sad fate of 450 priests of Baal)

therefore, they developed criteria for faith (which, however, are exclusively subjective)

the ideal believer is supposed to ask no questions at all

and if he asks, then he is a bad believer and his faith is weak

it is not difficult to find the criteria of faith in the canonical texts of Christianity

this is a well known chapter 17th of Matthew 20th verse:

“Truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, and say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you."

Of course, no one has yet been able to clearly demonstrate the true faith))))))

and in general, most believers are not believers at all, but simply joined

because now among some groups of the population it has recently become very fashionable to be a believer

Moreover, these confirmations must be made periodically, the story of a miracle 300 100 and even 50 years ago will not fail.

Here, as in the rules of propaganda - if you systematically call a person a dog, then one day he will still bark

there is no doubt that political and religious promises are built on similar principles

there was a slogan in the union if anyone remembers: "our children will live under communism"

and each new power similarly promises new victories and improvements

so is religion - the main thing is to promise

you can also talk about miracles of healing or salvation

any positive random factor can be written as divine providence

Well, if it's a fail, then "the ways of the Lord are inscrutable"

and in general, only beginners need confirmation - experienced believers do not ask questions

and this is not a question of religion in general - here you just need to blindly believe and that's it))))

they still believe in the descent of the Holy Fire

Since a new generation of people is being born, who also have their own perception of reality, which is closer to the body than past stories.

Fortunately, not everyone has an intellectual blackout in their heads.

and thanks to the availability of information, people can choose what to read

It's like miracles of healing. occur not because of the object of faith, but because of the very strength of a person's faith in this object.

The placebo effect and a good calm state have a beneficial effect on the patient (sometimes even paradoxically good)

If you massively accustom people for centuries to believe in a stone, then there will inevitably be a percentage of those who have been cured of the stone.

There is a wonderful book by James Fraser " The Golden Bough " classic work

there are systematically given such amazing examples of absurd faith that you can’t even believe that it’s possible

however, illiteracy and the irrational component of the mind make this possible

in this book, by the way, many valuable aspects of both religion and magic are revealed

in particular, it shows the historical connection between the "caste" of priests and the "caste" of kings

and shows the evolutionary movement from shaman-sorcerers to priests

people tend to believe in lucky coincidences as well as similarities (sympathetic and contagious magic)

so if one day someone was randomly cured by smearing himself with a stone

then this stone will become sacred or magical

in some ways it resembles situations in Forex:

if a novice trader accidentally made money using some indicator

then he will consider that he is "magic" and will try to apply it further

But only religious cases are always raised to the surface.

For obvious reasons..... astrologers work this way too......

by the way, market gurus also work - they show good examples in history

but do not show monitoring or are tricky with monitoring

forecaster analysts can always say that "the market has acquired an uncertain character of volatility"

no one needs bad references, including those in the mentioned b2b sales

funny but even traders like to deceive themselves when testing strategies

successful cases are highlighted and unsuccessful ones are not noticed - a psychological effect or survivorship bias

trading is a lot like magic and religion

it has its own established mythology (the myth of the grail, etc.)

there are even skype sects in which traders are engaged in mathematical occultism and satanic technical analysis

most of these sects are closed and you can get inside only by special invitation

among the current trends are mathematical and statistical analysis and an attempt to apply technical analysis in isolation from the foundation

math can also become magic if used in the "appropriate" way

religion as such tends to distance itself from magic and occult topics

but it is simply stupid to deny the relationship of religion with magic

it's like Christianity turning away from Judaism - its historical root

or how Buddhism rejects the Vedas and some canons of Hinduism - also its historical basis

related parallels for some traders can also be drawn as follows:

  • monotheism - corresponds to the belief in one single true trading system / method of analysis
  • polytheism - corresponds to the belief in the grails of various kinds
  • paganism - download indicators and advisers of unknown authors and immediately to real
  • shamanism - experiments with indicators in search of a magical signal
  • animism - belief in the Crowd and the Doll
  • spiritualism - belief in the opinions of leading analysts
  • satanism - drawing Gann lines, etc.
  • atheism - there is no grail, everything is decay, you have to go to the factory)))))

Such as shamanism for example. Naturally, they were not presented as a subject of scientific knowledge, with the possibility of practice by everyone.

Shamanism and primitive magic, for all their naivety, were very important for the knowledge of the world by ancient people,

people learned to understand nature by the methods that were available,

modern science is also indebted to the shamans of antiquity, they were the first to predict the weather, learned to understand the connection between phenomena,

chemistry is indebted to alchemy, astronomy to astrology, and so on.

people were immersed in the spiritual principle, it was inseparably connected with nature and life itself,

with the advent of religions, the spiritual became isolated, isolated, became more separated from real life,

and the spiritual sphere itself became inaccessible without intermediaries - priests, later a whole caste was formed, and as a result, even a whole organization - the Church,

this is how the concept of sin appeared and many other concepts of which in ancient times simply did not exist due to the inextricable connection between the spiritual sphere and the everyday sphere

a savage or a barbarian could not sin simply because he could not do it in principle - there is no sin in nature, this is an artificial category,

however, it cannot be said that the commandments are exclusively restrictive - they contributed to the stabilization of society (do not kill, do not steal ...)

and since the process of development often goes in a cyclic-wave nature - it's time to make magic available to everyone again,

of course, the priests will actively oppose the self-development of people - it is critically important for them that the flock feel sinful,

because if people do not feel sinful, then the intermediary priests and the church will simply not be needed,

some later religious concepts were formed precisely with the understanding of this fact (Zen Buddhism, for example) and therefore it still has a chance,

and the Abrahamic religions have no chance, unless a serious reformation of the very foundations is undertaken (stronger than the Reformation of the 16-17th centuries)

similar problems in Islam - it has long ceased to meet modern realities

and some Islamic philosophers talk about the need to "contextualize" Islam and translate it into a new format

Radical Islam is especially problematic for obvious reasons.

(note for believers: all of the above is just my opinion, I don’t intend to offend anyone if anything)

And as part of the same religion, it was presented as a miracle that was granted exclusively by God and the other himself cannot master this.

In many Eastern teachings, including Buddhism, for example, the need for a mentor-teacher is repeatedly emphasized,

and it is understandable why - to provide a market for services for gurus,

in fact, in such matters, the teacher can even harm (depends on the teacher)

similarly, in the Abrahamic religions, any "magic" and independent mystical search are traditionally condemned,

even yoga is frowned upon as it is a way around "licensed" magic

there is a famous video where two Christian confessors discuss that yoga is a harmful and dangerous paganism and you shouldn’t do it

they are simply bursting with indignation at the topic of pagan yoga, which communicates with dark entities and will lead a person to hell))))))

I won’t give a link, but it’s easy to search: “Dmitry Smirnov. Is it possible to do yoga?”

Why such categorical hostility? - simply because yoga is a way of liberation and a kind of "hack" of reality and psyche

for example, in the license agreement for almost any software, you can find the phrase that the user is not allowed to decompile the software

or even use it in a way that is not "intended" by the developer

software producers pursue financial goals, and spiritual priests similarly pursue the preservation of spheres of influence over the minds

(simply because they understand that they may suddenly be unnecessary)

religion is proprietary licensed magic

consulting companies work in a similar way - they strongly emphasize the exceptional effectiveness of their methodologies

and threaten the client with terrible consequences if he refuses to support the project

I think the analogy between all the examples is clear and obvious

now the software is mostly proprietary, but the future is with free/open software

similarly with the "spiritual" sphere - the time is coming for a magical revolution - when the keys to the mind will be with the person himself

of course there is a risk of turning towards the Orwellian world and punishment for thought crimes ("1984")

but i still don't think it will happen.

But why is it that only Asian and Hindu languages talk about such things at least a little?

Perhaps this is the unique position of India as a region where there is a historical connection:

between the Dravidian substrate, Vedic, and further - Brahminism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, etc. branches

moreover, despite the contradictions, they basically inherited the achievements of the previous ones and did not reject or destroy them

unlike the early Christians and Muslims who destroyed the monuments and elements of the previous culture

as I wrote above, Abrahamic religions are characterized by deep intolerance towards dissent

this includes the execution of the priests of Baal and the execution of the Novgorod Magi and the bloody baptism of Lithuania,

here are the stories of the early saints who destroyed pagan temples,

here is the burning of the Library of Alexandria and other stories ...

in India, in many ways, everything was inherited despite wars and invasions

so the Aryans who supplanted the Dravidians adopted their culture from them

The Vedas were transmitted orally from generation to generation without writing, this is generally a unique situation.

it is even likely that they contain the oldest legends from the very beginning of the birth of the Indus civilization

this of course does not change the fact that the texts are murky and contradictory and the cult part is also absurd

but they somehow managed to develop the right vector - for self-development and search

this is also important for trading

(although they did not pass by the temptation to impose their own religious connotation of being of that time, investing in their mythology with an incredible number of characters and worlds))))))).

Perhaps yes, nothing compares to the countless hordes of gods of Hinduism))))))))

but in general, these myths are interesting to read and find parallels with other myths

or even just read as cool stories

In other religions, these stories were only descriptive, describing the fact of the event, and not the process.

A significant part of religions is built on the principle of Revelation - that is, the mystical appearance of God to man

if you are unlucky in life and the deity did not appear, then everything will be in vain - you can only blindly believe by repeating after others - check it yourself - there is no chance at all

it is clear that the situation is very bad - what if the priests and prophets are just lying?

Abrahamic Religions - 100% Revealed

but in Hinduism there is duality: there are directions that recognize the authority of the Vedas and there are those that do not recognize the revelations of the Vedas

(most Hindus still consider the Vedas to be divine revelation)

Buddhism - denies the principle of divine revelation and even God himself as the creator

True, there are gods in the realms of form (rupa-loka) and realms of no form (arupa-loka)

although these gods are rather not beings but principles

the advancement of the student into nirvana is very conceptually interesting

he leaves the world of gross sensual forms and passes into pure contemplation, but retains the form

then it loses form and goes to the realms of infinite space and consciousness, then to the realm of absence where there is nothing,

and then into the sphere of neither perception nor non-perception

this is something like advaita in Hinduism, by the way, it is also a very important teaching (about non-duality)

here you can recommend the Russian translation of the book by Sri Ramana Maharshi , the recognized sage sage of India

The book is called "Who am I?" - and this is an excellent and accessible exposition of Advaita Vedanta

and this is not a dogmatic retelling of the old advaita, but a new and lively conversation with the reader (neoadvaita)

the emergence of these trends was a response to the growing dissatisfaction with traditional Brahmanism

it is unfair that only the elect have a revelation and the rest are ordered to go (only read books and pray)

Buddhism and new directions of Hinduism have opened the way for everyone to experiment

in Buddhism, the main thing is independent work and not studying the teachings

the main method is meditation, not prayer and not cult activities (although they are also available)

in general, Buddhism is more of a philosophy and teaching about consciousness, and not about an abstract god

which gives him a high chance of survival in modern times

So what sources of this information have you studied? And do they exist at all?

You need to read everything, but only good books))))

If you are interested in magic and history, then it is better to start with J. Fraser and Mircea Eliade

also any books on comparative mythology

get acquainted with Sumerian, Egyptian myths - must have

in particular, it is important to understand the way of thinking of the ancient Egyptians in their plurality and indivisibility

which is very difficult for a "discrete" European Logos not accustomed to such

the symbol of the ancient Egyptians is not a clear sign, but a stroke to the picture

similar is in Sanskrit sources

after meeting with the Sumerians-Egyptians, any doubts about the Abrahamic cults disappear

if you are interested in oriental teachings, then you can start with advaita and just with Sri Ramana Maharshi

(I will say right away - at first there will be disappointment)

but if we talk about independent work, then of course there is meditation (+ yoga) and suddenly OS

OS is often considered stupid and something frivolous but I know what I'm talking about

for me personally, it was one of the main

in OS c.m.k. it is much easier to understand what the authors of oriental teachings write about

and all these areas, the unmanifested, the absence of forms and other topics in the OS, they are clearly visible and you can "feel" them

in the OS it is easy to understand the confusion of identity, multiple presence, otherness

you can still, of course, grab mushrooms, but we want serious work, right?

and in trading, too, the OS helps (someone like it - I'm sure)

you can read Laberge and Castaneda about the OS, but never take everything literally

and yet books are just an introduction, the main work is an independent experience

In addition to the Jewish Kabbalah, in which, in the manner characteristic of this nation, as always, the goal was to create more pathos, emphasizing one's exclusivity, while not revealing real knowledge and practices.

In general, I agree, there is such a thing, Kabbalah is very specific and ambitious, and most importantly, it is confusing, and there are over 9000 versions of interpretations,

there is an opinion that Kabbalah is a tracing-paper-imitation of ancient Greek philosophy and symbolic magic of the Pythagoreans and Platonists,

it is like a Jewish answer in the occult sphere,

the peculiarity of Kabbalah is constantly emphasized; perhaps this is just a special national-religious position,

in general, Kabbalah can be considered combinatorial magic, a set of symbolic elements describing various aspects of life,

but in practice it is usually difficult to apply with a normal mindset)))

Just like the current books of our gurus of traders like Wilms, who have results, wrote books, but they don’t reveal the whole truth in the book, and without a complete picture of the understanding that they possessed, what is in the book does not work))))))).

Trader's Kabbalah))))))

But I must say that even the denial of knowledge or distorted knowledge can sometimes lead to knowledge)))))

Well, apart from, of course, Asian practices, which are also not without flaws and have a mostly bodily bias. There is no mention at all about working with consciousness, or at least the same OS.

Asian practices can also be useful if you break through the cultural barrier, for example, there is Tibetan sleep yoga - an analogue of Western LD

and in general there is nothing wrong with bodily practices if these are not extreme directions

any classical yoga in a modern adapted presentation is very useful

first the stage of asana (gymnastics) then pranayama (breathing) and then meditation (dhyana) at the same time and discipline

about the OS, a whole big topic, there’s still a whole kilometer of text you can write, so I’ll refrain

if there is interest specifically in the OS, I can suggest my methods that worked best for me

but I would not like to pretend that I am a guru

and in general I would not want all this to sound somehow "haughty", I do not put such a meaning,

just os is a real topic

Although it is precisely it that is valuable, because it allows you to feel practical experience directly, without intermediaries and religious overtones. Meanwhile, sources with such knowledge could not but exist in antiquity. Because a person is inquisitive, and the probability of getting acquainted with this practice, even by chance, is so high that such people could exist at any time. Nevertheless, then it was stopped by the church (or other religious canons), which undoubtedly itself possessed some knowledge, but fed to the masses only what was necessary, because at all times it served rather under authority and was undoubtedly an instrument. But the sources could not help but remain. Why are they not disclosed now, if they exist. Do they exist?

It is clear that the clergy and even the official rulers do not want people to improve at all, therefore everything is in the hands of the people themselves,

there are a lot of texts, but you also need to filter very strongly, and select material taking into account what suits you,

move in the direction in which success is best obtained,

I usually criticize Abrahamic trends, but this does not mean that this will not help someone,

Everything you need to try on your own and only trust your experience.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Here I am reading your clever musings and I don't even know how to react: seemingly educated, not lacking in intelligence and talking some bullshit that has nothing to do with the subject at all, nothing to do with Christianity in particular.

No substantive argument? - Throw in arguments ad hominem - that was to be expected... how very typical...

It would seem that what could be easier for educated and intelligent people to take the primary source and read at least the first few pages. After all, no one hides the essence, this essence is available to anyone: Adam and Eve lived in paradise, and then tasted the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The rest of the text, worshipped by several billion people, deals ONLY with good and evil. And there is nothing else in those texts!

If we are talking about primary sources, we have to take Sumerian and Egyptian myths,

Christian, Jewish and Muslim myths are crudely compiled from fragments of the pagan heritage of previous eras.


In the Sermon on the Mount: blessed are the poor in spirit.

Your spirit is filled with a huge pile of rubbish. Free your spirit from the rubbish, become beggars and you will have the capacity to at least understand the meaning of humanity's greatest literary monument dedicated to GOOD AND Evil. At the very least.

The usual rhetoric on the part of "religion"... add the traditional "I pity you" to complete the picture...

And by the way, is the Bible the only criterion for judging right and wrong?

Most people in India and China will read your post with incomprehension )))))

And why not the Torah or the Koran? Or why not the Vedas-Upanishads? Or the Avesta? Or the Wu Ching/Tao Te Ching? Or even the Book of the Dead?

And seriously: out of all the diversity of world knowledge and possibilities, what is the point of limiting oneself to a narrow range of religious monotheistic thinking?

It's like looking at the world sitting in a dark basement through a slit...

However, let this not sound like an insult...

Everyone chooses their own...


But seriously: what is the point of limiting oneself to a narrow range of religious monotheistic thinking out of all the diversity of the world's knowledge and possibilities?

It's like looking at the world sitting in a dark basement through a slit...

However, let this not sound like an insult...

Everyone chooses their own way...

People want to limit themselves, and even better when the road is already paved and one can expend minimum energy and not think about anything

and even less about death, the sense of inevitability of which encourages you to take a religious pill, but that pill is for the mind, not for death, and in reality it doesn't change anything

the whole horror and comedy of what is going on is in the unwillingness of the mind to accept its perishability, and since many associate themselves with their thought-flow, they wish to put it into the fairy-case of religion,

thereby condemning themselves to some longer (ideally eternal) existence in a new reality contrived by the same mind

this is a triumph of the instinct of self-preservation, which has been transformed into bizarre forms of conscious self-preservation

there will never be any logic or meaning because what is desired is beyond the sense, beyond the mind, beyond the life and abilities of a man who has taken a religious pill to ease his death agony


It's just that OS is a real topic

Thank you for such rare glimmers of constructive, adequate presentation, which is rare even in the thematic forums. The OS itself is interesting. Although this is the minimum. That's why I wrote that practitioners of it should have existed at any time, because even accidentally you can survive. In fact, I found out by accident myself. When I was young I used to go to sleep at work, but I had to watch for a palaver))) could come to the boss. Such moments are characteristic of withdrawal, on the verge of slipping into a dream. I was in one of those borderline states and I was thrown out. I did not know about OS at the time. I was able to be in the phase, but I was not able to be in the phase. When you try it yourself, it's easy to distinguish between those who know what they're talking about and those who don't. It also became obvious how much fog is put around this topic. Everyone embellishes with his theories, imposes the prism of his view. And it is not so interesting to discuss these topics about. There are plenty of practices, even adaptations. Meanwhile, research has been scientifically documented for centuries. Nevertheless, people have shown interest only recently (more massively). As well as real scientific effects, which have been known for a long time, but which are now fashionable to pass off as perpetual motion engines and theories.

In this regard, it is interesting to discuss, as an experienced practitioner, the following points.
I had only been able to get out in the process of becoming conscious while asleep. I was able to see that the phase was not only a phase in the phase, but also in the phase in which I was awake. I was able to be aware of the phase, and then I woke up and it turned out to be a dream within a dream. But I had a feeling that the level of direct experience was a bit different, as if I had been conscious in a dream. But direct practice was more of a spontaneous experience. There was a desire to learn to swing the body, starting with the arm, separating it, and then the whole body. But it did not work. Only spontaneously once I detached the whole body except for the head)))) the head is in the body and everything else is above the body. When you separate, you feel like you're being pulled back by tourniquets, but this is not insurmountable.
1-What do you recommend to make a breakaway not before going to sleep but at any time, even during the day, how to directly separate the body. Maybe there are some tricks or tricks of your own.

2. A long time ago, when I didn't know yet, I went out into the room and faced a black human figure coming towards me, I was frightened. I got down in my body but numbness prevented me from making any movement or making a sound, though I wanted to scream)))) . I was in the middle of a search and it turned out that people often had encounters with black silhouettes. Never understood what it was, might have an opinion (haven't encountered any more).

3 Speaking of paralysis. Trying direct techniques, it is through paralysis that the separation of the body occurs. The sensation is the same as with real numbness, except there is no blood flow as with real numbness. That's when you have to rock the numb part of the body. But I have not been able to go any further, to separate, I don't know what else to try in that regard. I am skeptical about practical verbiage. I tried to describe the effect of paralysis as follows. Nerve impulses from the brain go to the hand, for example. The whole notion that the body is detached is just for the convenience of the theory. The signal is simply lowered so much during the swing that the impulse sent by the brain is weak enough to engage the muscles, but is enough to sense position in space. Simplified.

3-Tried and tried without fixating on the body, but on the next one. In fact, between falling asleep, if you track and feel the moment, there is a little corridor in which the exit occurs. You feel as if you are falling through a wormhole, but it's a very fleeting moment. That moment is what counts, and all the other ways are just another perception for convenience. I don't understand why people don't pay attention to this moment, but about that. There are a lot of techniques that focus on vibration, amplification of sound and so on. Meanwhile, it's in this very brief moment that it's all there, vibrations and stuff. You can feel the vibration there. And the books describe that you should initially fix your attention on the vibrations.

4-Have heard on forums (not personally communicated) that some have practiced sleepwalking together, and have met in a certain place. I find it hard to believe. Maybe you've heard of it.

5- Some distinguish between astral and wasps. For me so far it's the same thing. Also skeptical, but on the levels of rumours that someone practiced going out in real time, sitting in a chair, coming out and saying that in the next room. I haven't met a live practitioner.)) Who knows, maybe there are some. There have been cases of clinical death.

In general, of course, I want to talk about a lot of similar things. I cited only the first thing that came to my mind. There is a lot of ground to cover. But it is the scientific and psychological aspects of these experiences that are interesting. And what is described in most of them is speculation based on them. It is clear, that the immature mind can go crazy on the basis of these experiences, because the degree of realism at times simply amazes. But we're not one of them))))). I'm all for rational approaches in writing practices. But what is described in ancient manuscripts is too much for me. One has to go through years of purification of the body to achieve lightness, in which it is easier to practice spiritual practices (it is through yoga for example). This, of course, facilitates the process because it chemically prepares the brain and sensitivity at a more subtle level, but at the core of the work of the consciousness. All sorts of myths about 9 worlds from Asian mythology and higher beings that are there as cockroaches, also it is rather bringing from prismatic views of private individuals who through images formed (so easier to describe) representations about their experiences. Instead of really giving knowledge to people, so that they could form their own images and perceptions of their experiences as they want. No, they imposed their own images through which they described their experience.

it's much easier to understand what the authors of the Eastern teachings are writing about in O.C.M.C.

and all these spheres, the unrevealed, the absence of forms and other themes in the OS, they're visible and you can "feel" them.

That's the point, it's interesting to the experienced. Not to believe stupidly, but at the level of comparison and reflection at these comparisons. If there is nothing to compare it with, it will not only be perceived differently, but will stupidly lead away from the main point. What's the point of them for the mainstream? Were they deliberately written for a small circle of people or something?

By the way. If we digress from the fiction in Pelevin's books, they are full of reflections in bits and pieces. True, in indirect language. There was a feeling that he was not only engaged in deep self-analysis, but also was practicing something. He was fond of oriental themes like that. That and the "tape burners" stuff in Snuff's book. And some other moments from books later. Even about a certain room in another dimension of Emperor Paul. Love of the Three Zuckerbrins is generally steeped in esotericism if you look closely. By the way it describes some of the ways. The kyklop exercise. Clearly the thing that anti-scientific jungle is not worth diving into, associated with summoning spirits and stuff. But as a way of getting into some resonant states through working with a mirror it can be.
Because the vision gets looped from the pupil to the mirror with this exercise, which, if you consider the effect on the basis of brain activity down-to-earth, creates a kind of tunnel effect. It's like putting mirrors in front of each other. Only the pupil acts as the second mirror. I haven't practiced it myself. But I wonder.

1- Do you know any practice with mirrors.

2- In the book, he talked about some pamphlet from 1915, blue print. Naturally with his characteristic narrative way. Still couldn't find what kind of pamphlet it was. Typed it into a search, it turned out someone had already searched, I was surprised. But he couldn't find it either, only some Isis magazine from the 1900s. That was the fashion for mysticism before the revolution.

You're really getting excited :))) San Sanych has already dug a post into the ground, put brushwood under it, and, what the hell, he's got his hand out with a burning match.
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

People want to limit themselves and it is even better when the road is paved and one can expend minimum energy and not think about anything

And not to think about death, the sense of inevitability of which induces to take a religious pill, but it is a pill from the mind, not from death, and in reality it does not change anything

Religion is simply an energy thought-image, aggregor, and everyone joining this thought-image gets a dose of energy protection and assistance in the afterlife - but it is for those who like a paved road, which does not always lead to paradise because the aggregor promises paradise to not everyone ... Also, the aggregor requires energy for itself from its adherents, that is, we have a way of enslavement and transformation into an energy donor, but with a chance to have a bright afterlife ...

The second way is to use energy from the light of the divine primary source, rather than from an aggregor ... By the way, the aggregor in the concepts of religion is compared to the worship of a man-made idol, and the primary energy is a relationship with God-the creator of the world, which, incidentally, does not need worship, and a conscious interaction without any element of slavery and subordination as it is necessary to egregors ...

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Are you referring to the ancient tales of the shepherdsas the original source ?

If Adam and Eve were the first people on earth - then we are all Jews. Including the entire population of Africa and the Northern Eskimos. "Adam and Eve lived in paradise and then ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil" - do you, as an educated not intellectually deprived person, believe in this beautiful nonsense?

All religions are assembled as a construction set from the same elements.

A virgin with an immaculate conception is usually found everywhere. Usually the son of God does a lot of wonderful things, including raising the dead. Slandered and betrayed this man dies a martyr's death.

And who ascended to heaven to his own father at the call of his father .

Try to guess who I was talking about just now?

It is not quite correct to take religious texts bluntly literally for they are mostly written in allegorical language to explain people about the divine layer of the universe.

The concepts of good and evil are also logical and logical, there are dark forces of evil and there are light forces of good - dark increases darkness and evil in the world and light increases good. And both dark and light forces allow for specific actions, but the consequences of these actions will be quite different, even with the same external result...

Due to the fact that the world is always moving towards progress, dark forces will also evolve becoming less violent and evil and will bring more benefit and constructive...

In the context of the previous post about egregors, there is an analogy of two peoples - one people who in allegorical language are free from the worship of egregoric idols and accordingly other peoples...

For example, Christianity was conceived to create a new people - new Hebrews - who would serve only God - the original source of the universe - as opposed to other heathen nations who worshiped and served religious idols...


It is not quite right to take religious texts bluntly literally as they are mostly written in allegorical language to explain to people about the divine layer of the universe.

The concepts of good and evil are also logical and legitimate, there are dark forces of evil and light forces of good - dark increases darkness and evil in the world and light increases good. And both dark and light forces allow for specific actions, but the consequences of these actions will be quite different, even with the same external result...

Due to the fact that the world is always moving towards progress, dark forces will also evolve becoming less violent and evil and will bring more benefit and constructive...

In the context of the previous post about egregors, there is an analogy of two peoples - one people who in allegorical language are free from the worship of egregoric idols and accordingly other peoples...

For example, Christianity was conceived to create a new nation - the new Hebrews, who would serve only the original god of the universe - as opposed to the other pagan nations who worship and serve religious idols...

I would be ready to agree and even claim that this or that text is allegorical, but neither I nor you or anyone else is not in the list of authors of this fabulous work.

And the main character resurrected after his death, is it also allegory? And people really believe it, but at the end of the book, there are no marks in the form.

*The book is based on real events, but some of the events are fictitious and the names of the characters have been changed.

<Allegory is an artistic isolation of concepts with the help of concrete representations. Religion, love, soul, justice, strife, glory, war, peace, spring, summer, autumn, winter, death, etc. are represented and presented as living beings.

Rocks, clouds, grass, dogs can speak. If you agree with it beforehand, then you must admit that all faith is based completely on ancient mythology and cannot cause anything but a smile.

One can of course believe in talking dogs and talking grass and rocks, I have nothing against that, there are special places where visions and voices can be healed.

All religions are assembled as a construction set of the same elements.

A virgin with an immaculate conception usually appears everywhere. The son of God usually does a lot of wonderful things, including raising the dead. Slandered and betrayed this man dies a martyr's death.

He ascended to heaven at the call of his father.

By the way who was it said, no answer?

Yuriy Zaytsev:

I would be ready to agree and even claim that this or that text is allegorical, but neither I nor you or anyone else is in the list of authors of this fabulous work.

And the main character resurrected after death, is this also an allegory? And people really believe in it, but at the end of the book, there is no mark in the form.

By the way who was it said about, no answer ?

All that is mentioned in religious books, especially those based on the Old and New Testament, are allegories to explain the real laws of the divine layer of the universe. This is due to fractalism - the repetition of the laws of the universe in different worlds.

For example someone died and came back to life in a physical body is also all allegories to explain the laws of the divine world. Similarly with other events. The physical event itself is insignificant in the given context and is only meant to help in understanding the metaphysical laws of the higher worlds and non-material dimensions-spaces.

A classic example of allegory is the Jewish Kabbalah where the divine world and its laws are described with the help of 10 spheres and the light flowing between them and it creates in the end the variety of the world around.

Other example of allegories is the description of laws of the divine world by means of astrology-planets or interaction of primary elements and spirits, as in shamanism, so everything is extremely logical and practical for real life for existence of parallel divine spaces is a scientifically proved and easily checked up in practice reality.

Another example of analogies for an allegorical description of the divine laws of being is the laws of the Trismegist.

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Мыслители древности не специализировались в какой-либо одной из областей знаний — их интересовали всеобщие законы бытия. Имена некоторых древних философов сохранились в памяти последующих поколений, но большая часть мудрецов остались безымянными. Существует в древней истории одна легендарная личность, письменных свидетельств о которой не...