Interesting and Humour - page 3415

The White House used to be called Barack Obama, but now it will be called Trump Point.

I'm thinking maybe my wife should buy one of these so she'd have less trouble at the garages :)

БТР купить в России - настоящие списанные гражданские бтр, бронетранспортер, купить бронетранспортер
БТР купить в России - настоящие списанные гражданские бтр, бронетранспортер, купить бронетранспортер
  • Alexandr [skreets] Vakulin
Демилитаризованный БТР купить в России - это серьезный шаг для настоящих мужчин. Далеко не каждый может позволить себе иметь в хозяйстве такую технику. И дело тут совсем не в деньгах. Попробуем популярно объяснить, почему покупая БТР надо использовать максимально прозрачные схемы. Купить списанный и демилитаризованный бтр - миф? Часто можно...
Server Muradasilov:

I'm thinking maybe my wife should get one of these so she'd have less trouble at the garages :)

Alexey Kozitsyn:
Immediately TANK!
The tank will not be sold, you can create a freelance application: modify a btr into a tank.
Evgeny Belyaev:
The tank will not be sold, you can create a freelance application: modify a btw into a tank.
They will, read it carefully...
Alexey Kozitsyn:
They will, read it carefully...
Indeed, but it's unlikely to be combat-ready, you won't be able to shoot it.(
Evgeny Belyaev:
Indeed, but it's unlikely to be combat-ready, you can't shoot.(
Of course it won't shoot, but it will scare you!

An old parable

King Arthur was once caught by another king and put in prison. Then he took pity on him and said he would let him go if he could answer a very difficult question. King Arthur had a year to find the answer. If he could not answer, he would be executed. The question was, "What do women really want?"

King Arthur questioned all the women in his kingdom for a year, and no one gave him an answer. Finally, he was told that one old witch could give him the answer, but her price would be very high. The king had no choice, he went to her and asked her what she wanted. She wanted to marry his best knight Gawain. The witch was creepy, old, nasty and with one tooth.

Arthur said he didn't want to force his friend to do it and would rather die. However, Gawain said that Arthur's life was important to the whole kingdom and he agreed to marry the nasty old witch. The witch then answered Arthur's question.

She said that women most want to control their own lives. Arthur's life was then saved, everyone rejoiced and it was time for the wedding. Knight Gawain was a true gentleman, while the witch behaved abominably, eating with her hands during the wedding.

When the wedding night came, Gawain, grudgingly, went into the bedroom. Before his eyes lay the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He asked in surprise what had happened. The witch replied that in gratitude for treating her well when she was ugly and nasty, she agreed to be a young beauty half the time and an old witch half the time.

Then she said he had to choose which he wanted her to be by day and which by night. Gawain wondered. Did he want to be seen with the beauty by day and spend his nights with the old hag, or to have the ugly witch by day and be with the beauty by night? He decided to let her decide for herself. After hearing this, she said that she would always be a beauty because he respected her and let her have control of her own life.

So what is the moral of this long story?

Server Muradasilov:

An old parable

King Arthur was once caught by another king and put in prison. Then he took pity on him and said he would let him go if he could answer a very difficult question. King Arthur had a year to find the answer. If he could not answer, he would be executed. The question was, "What do women really want?"

King Arthur questioned all the women in his kingdom for a year, and no one gave him an answer. Finally, he was told that one old witch could give him the answer, but her price would be very high. The king had no choice, he went to her and asked her what she wanted. She wanted to marry his best knight Gawain. The witch was creepy, old, nasty and with one tooth.

Arthur said he didn't want to force his friend to do it and would rather die. However, Gawain said that Arthur's life was important to the whole kingdom and he agreed to marry the nasty old witch. The witch then answered Arthur's question.

She said that women most want to control their own lives. Arthur's life was then saved, everyone rejoiced and it was time for the wedding. Knight Gawain was a true gentleman, while the witch behaved abominably, eating with her hands during the wedding.

When the wedding night came, Gawain, grudgingly, went into the bedroom. Before his eyes lay the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He asked in surprise what had happened. The witch replied that in gratitude for treating her well when she was ugly and nasty, she agreed to be a young beauty half the time and an old witch half the time.

Then she said he had to choose which he wanted her to be by day and which by night. Gawain wondered. Did he want to be seen with the beauty by day and spend his nights with the old hag, or to have the ugly witch by day and be with the beauty by night? He decided to let her decide for herself. After hearing this, she said that she would always be a beauty because he respected her and let her have control of her own life.

So what is the moral of this long story?

The moral is that a fairy tale and life are different things. And while in a fairy tale one is always given a choice, in life, there is almost always no choice.
Server Muradasilov:

An old parable

So what is the moral of this long story?

The moral is to listen to what women say. Then many problems will solve themselves.