Interesting and Humour - page 309


No problem, honestly. I just don't want to read anything about politics on this forum, that's all. Anyway, you tell me, "don't read it!"

But suppose (pardon me, but it's more graphic) your girlfriend, the hot bear, is giggling in bed... You say to her, "Honey, please don't giggle." And she'll say, "If you don't like it, don't listen."


let her giggle.)

Why? Everyone, by default, is an adult responsible for their families. They should have an active attitude and a balanced view of what our lives depend on.

What's the problem?

Of course everyone should have a point of view. There will never be a coup from below in our country. There never has been and never will be. Only through a conspiracy within the security services and with the support of the security forces. The white guards, of course, deserve respect for their dedication, but as the work week begins they will scatter to their offices. It's the same bullshit. What's needed, if from below, is organised denial. In the West, unions are influencing the government, there are strikes all over the country. What's ours? Rascalism and boorishness.

sumkin75: There will never be a coup from below in our country. There never has been and never will be.
And 1917 is not a coup from below? Ulyanov-Lenin was never in supreme power under the Tsarist regime.
Wasn't 1917 a coup from below? Ulyanov-Lenin was never in the highest power under the Tsarist regime.
Not at the top. But not from below, unequivocally.I tell you, intelligence analysis (German, for the sake of the Brest Peace Treaty). Plus power support . All in all, a terrible crime was committed.
Generally speaking, such tests should be carried out on professional monitors with impeccable colour rendition. Otherwise, the colour rendering of the monitor is flawed, and not the colour spectrum of the subject's perception.
Wasn't 1917 a coup from below? Ulyanov-Lenin was never in supreme power under the Tsarist regime.
Throughout recorded history, and apparently since the end of the Neolithic, there have been three kinds of people in the world: the superior, the middle and the inferior.  The groups were subdivided in many different ways, bore all sorts of names, their numerical proportions as well as their mutual relations changed from age to age; but what remained constant was the fundamental structure of society. Even after great upheavals and seemingly irreversible changes, the structure has been restored, just as a gyroscope recovers its position wherever it is pushed. The aims of the three groups are totally incompatible. The higher ones aim to stay where they are. The goal of the middles is to swap places with the highs; the goal of the lows, when they have a goal (for the lows are characterised by being overworked and only occasionally look beyond the realms of everyday life) is to abolish all distinctions and create a society where all men are equal. Thus, throughout history, a struggle, in general terms always the same, erupts again and again. For a long time, the superior ones seem to be firmly in control, but sooner or later come to a point where they lose either their self-confidence or their ability to govern effectively or both.  Then they are overthrown by the inferiors, who have attracted the inferiors to their side by playing the role of fighters for freedom and justice. Having achieved their goal, they push the inferiors back into their former slave position and become superior themselves. In the meantime, the new middle peel away from one or both of the other two groups and the struggle begins all over again. Of the three groups, only the inferior ones never manage to achieve their goals, even temporarily. It would be an exaggeration to say that history has not been accompanied by material progress.  Even today, in a period of decline, the common man materially lives better than he did a few centuries ago. But no increase in prosperity, no softening of manners, no revolutions and reforms have brought human equality even a millimetre closer. From the point of view of the inferior, all historical changes have meant little more than a change of masters.
In general, such tests should be carried out on professional monitors with impeccable colour rendition. Otherwise, it's a flaw in the monitor's colour rendering, and not in the colour spectrum of the subject's perception.
No way, I have an ancient Sinmaster 940, just a well-tuned one, with such a huge difference in colour between squares any monitor will do.
FAQ: No way, I have an ancient Sinxmaster 940, just well set up, with such a huge difference in colour between the squares any monitor will do.
I'm definitely not going to pass, I'm color blind. I won't even try, as I see many of the squares the same way.
I definitely won't pass, I'm colorblind.
Same thing. I had to be pretty eloquent to get my license. By the way, no one I know passed that ophthalmologist's test.