Interesting and Humour - page 2543

If you do not know how and do not have the necessary technology, it does not mean that no one knows how and no one has the technology.
You are absolutely right - I really cannot build St. Isaac's and Kazan Cathedrals, the General Staff, the Hermitage, the Admiralty, the Alexander Column...
But I don't think you could build anything like that either, even with a lot of money.
However, it would be interesting to hear at least your theoretical explanation of how today you can build, say, a second column of Alexandria.
You're absolutely right - I really can't build St. Isaac's and Kazan Cathedrals, General Staff, Hermitage, Admiralty, Alexandria Column...
But I don't think you could build anything like that either, even with a lot of money.
However, it would be interesting to hear at least your theoretical explanation of how today one can build, say, a second column of Alexandria.

the interesting thing is that the first to fall will be the buildings built in the 2000s and then the ones built in the 20th century

and then those built in the 19th 18th and 17th centuries, all the way down to the pyramids - they will fall last.

Последствия: Нулевое население (После нас) / Aftermath: Population Zero ч.2
Последствия: Нулевое население (После нас) / Aftermath: Population Zero ч.2
Часть 2. Создатели фильма очень подробно воссоздают цепь событий, которые последуют, если на Земле в один момент исчезнут все люди. Шаг за шагом, природа отвоевывает свои позиции, животные выходят из леса, электростанции перестают работать, а плотины разрушаются. Вы будете поражены, узнав насколько хрупки перед силой природы наши самые передовые технологии. Удивительное сочетание натуральных съемок и компьютерной анимации создают невероятные изменения знакомых всем пейзажей.
Появилась возможность сдавать в аренду свободное пространство на жестком диске
Появилась возможность сдавать в аренду свободное пространство на жестком диске
  • 2015.01.27
  • Александр Насонов
Идея пришла разработчикам при пользовании услугами облачного хостинга. Доступ осуществляется по зашифрованному каналу связи через одноранговое сетевое соединение. Такой вид прямого подключения гарантирует контролируемую передачу данных, исключающую их попадание третьим лицам.

Imho, this should strengthen Bitcoin's position.

Storj writes that they have their coins as a startup and in the future they plan to merge completely with Bitcoin in ecstasy.

IT style vodka classification:
0.1 l - demo.
0.25 l - trial version.
0.5 l - personal edition.
0.7 l - professional edition.
1.0 l - network edition.
1.75 l - enterprise.
3 liters - for small business.
5 l - corporate edition.
Bottle of moonshine - home edition.
Service pack.
Morning pickle - Recovery tool.
I don't have a lot of it, but I'd give up 9 gigs in my inbox :)

Nobel Prize-winning Brazilian oncologist Drausillio Varella:

"Today in the world we invest five times more money in drugs for male potency and silicone for women's breasts than in cures for Alzheimer's disease.
In a few years we will have old women with big breasts and old men with a strong penis, but none of them will be able to remember what it is for".

What is true is true.


Cute cats