Interesting and Humour - page 232

Why is it that you have a quote that works and I don't? (((
Put on FF. It works for some reason.

Why does it work for you and not for me? (((

I've already filed a police report with the Service Desk.

Try also resetting browser's cache.

The site is upgraded daily and the scripts are updated. Maybe the old scripts are lodged in the cache.


(chuckles)) ingenious

Renat 2012.03.21 21:31 # <br / translate="no">

Try also resetting the cache in your browser.

The site is upgraded daily and scripts are updated. Maybe the old scripts are lodged in the cache.
did not help
Mischek 2012.03.21 21:22 #

Why is it that you have a quote that works and I do not? (((

I've already filed a complaint with the police .
Only an ultimatum can help.

Oh, it's not working for you either.

We should call Reshetov.

Mischek 2012.03.21 22:08 #

I think it is not working for you either.

I have to call Reshetov.

Dyk Reshetov has to write the article first, and zetam he has to make sure he has an old sim, then he has to go to his lawyer.

And citations are needed now.