Interesting and Humour - page 1983


I think men would do the same if they were driving cars and someone didn't give in to something there.

And how easy it is to succumb to the idea of society's elite that "the culprit of my bad life is my neighbour, not myself or the elite of society who create the rules/concepts of this life". I think a scuffle between the elites of culture/science/politics etc over toilet paper would look a lot more interesting than a scuffle between ordinary poor Russian women in a supermarket ...

I'm getting lyrical ...

Yeah, women are like that. They become especially dangerous when shopping).

I wonder what accompanied the fight .


I think the men would have done the same...

The girl in black won. She kept her bag with the pearlescent lipstick in it. And the security guard took the trolley with the rival's bag as a prize. There's got to be a chocolate bar in there. And glitter eye shadow.


I wonder what accompanied this fight .


- We're shitting more.

- No, we're bigger.

- Shoo? We've been shitting from morning till night.

- Dummy, we live in a toilet.


What makes you think they're fighting about toilet paper?


The girl in black won. She kept her bag, which contained the mother-of-pearl lipstick. And the security guard carried the trolley in which the rival's bag was left as a prize. There's got to be a chocolate bar in there. And glitter eye shadow.

I agree there's more to it than that.
- Where are you going on holiday?
- I'm going to a place where there are a lot of blacks.
- Africa?
- France.

The girl in black won. She kept her bag, which contained the mother-of-pearl lipstick. And the security guard carried the trolley in which the rival's bag was left as a prize. There's got to be a chocolate bar in there. And glitter eye shadow.

And the battle, for that matter, wasn't over paper.

But men will always enjoy watching that show anyway.)


What makes you think they were fighting over toilet paper?

It's written on the gif, it doesn't matter, it's more convenient for everyone.
"A woman's body is always easier to negotiate with than the woman herself."
it's written on the gif, it doesn't matter, it's more convenient for everyone.

There's an incomplete version.

Here's the full version:


There's an incomplete version.

Here's the full version:

You don't know what the fight was about?

The section looks like a grocery store.

The package with the handle on top.

The top view-- the edges are half-circular, like dish towels or toilet paper.

The weight is very light, paper is probably heavier.