Interesting and Humour - page 1692

I wondered where the hell Bear had gone...

If I were the president, I would peg the deputy's salary to the average salary of the region from which he is elected. Then he would have an incentive to improve the welfare of his constituents. In the German Bundestag, MPs from left-wing parties give 30% of their salary to their regions to charity. I think we should do the same. (Ilya Ponomarev - DGD)


If I were the president, I would peg the deputy's salary to the average salary of the region from which he is elected. Then he would have an incentive to improve the welfare of his constituents. In the German Bundestag, MPs from left-wing parties give 30% of their salary to their regions to charity. I think we should do the same. (Ilya Ponomarev - DGD)

Nah. In our case, there would be an incentive to inflate the region's average salary figures.
Nah. In our case, there would be an incentive to inflate the region's average wage.
Which is already being done).
Which is already being done).
That's for sure. You look at how the average Russian lives according to official statistics and you immediately want to become one).

Chinese man sues wife for ugly children

An embarrassing lawsuit has ended in China, where a man will receive $120,000 compensation from his ex-wife for hiding plastic surgery.


Tell you what, my darling, if you're going to turn into a pig, I won't know you anymore.

Girls, you know, eat eggs, too.

When I find something, it's usually a frog or a worm.

I never dissuade anyone with my hands!

Some people are very clever, just like infants!

Don't grunt! Express your thoughts some other way!

I'd like to meet someone intelligent for a change!

Before you go anywhere, you should stock up on a good branch to swat away the elephants.


Alice in Wonderland


Conducted a series of social experiments. In the online game WOT, he wrote a message for everyone: "Attention! I'm not shooting anyone. Don't shoot me."

What do you think the players' reactions and actions towards me were after those words?

Not only that, I've also made messages like, "Attention! All participants in this battle fall under a unique promotion! All who fulfill the conditions of this promotion receive a prize of 10,000 extra experience. The conditions are simple - you do not have to shoot me, the agent running the promotion. I, in turn, agree not to damage your equipment in any way.