Interesting and Humour - page 1693


Conducted a series of social experiments. In the online game WOT, he wrote a message for everyone: "Attention! I'm not shooting anyone. Don't shoot me."

What do you think the players' reactions and actions towards me were after these words?

Not only that, I also made messages like: "Attention! All participants in this battle fall under a unique promotion! Everyone who fulfils the conditions of this promotion gets a prize of 10,000 extra experience. The conditions are simple - you do not have to shoot me, the agent running the promotion. I, in turn, agree not to damage your equipment in any way.

Have you seen the videos? )


Have you seen the clips? )

The cartoons are great!)))

Painting " Autumn "


Painting " Love "

A man came to the hairdresser's to have a shave. While the barber was soaping him up, he saw fit to point out that he had sunken cheeks and this made it difficult to shave.
- No problem at all! - He draws a small wooden balloon from his desk drawer and shoves it under your cheek.
He places the ball in his mouth and starts shaving swiftly and smartly.
Suddenly, a noise comes from the chair:
- "Shall I shave it?
- No problem! - You're not the only one with sunken cheeks!

About dolphins