Interesting and Humour - page 1125

The Russian bank is a natural phenomenon.
just like everything else.
Sanek seems to have gone into the woods again.
No time to explain, just buy the bit.
There's no time to explain, just buy the bat.
I'd rather set my hair on fire and stew it against the wall
I'd rather set my hair on fire and stew it against the wall.
♪ please do that and don't buy a bat ♪

Ban until 2022.07.13 17:25

What the hell was that thing just now? Next to the message cloud. Even new comment button disappeared. After restart of site went away.

Is it only me?


Ban until 2022.07.13 17:25

What the hell was that thing just now? Next to the message cloud. Even new comment button disappeared. After restart of site went away.

Is it only me?

Storm. Magnetic. It won't be like this by midnight.
Storm. Magnetic. It won't be like this by midnight.
That's a lot of magnetism. Nine years is a long time.
please do so, and don't buy the bit.
That's it. The wall is done. But put it out.