Interesting and Humour - page 3169

Pavel Gotkevitch:
The coolest thing in the link - is the phrase "Tell your friends about this strange Russian development - click on one of the social networking buttons below".

The development is, to put it mildly, more than strange. However, I will be politically correct.

A man was walking through the woods and met an old woman. She said:
-Honey, I got lost in the woods, take me on the road, and I'll grant you three wishes, because I am a sorceress.
The man led the woman out, and the woman offered him three wishes.
-First, I want a cool car.
-Please! If you follow this path to the bend, there'll be a 600 Mercedes behind it,
and the papers in your name are in the glove compartment.
-I also want a beautiful wife
-There'll be a blonde supermodel in the back of the Mercedes, that's your wife.
Your marriage papers are in the glove compartment.
-And third of all, I want a million dollars.
-There'll be a briefcase in the front seat with exactly a million dollars in it.
The man was excited and wanted to run to the car, but his grandmother asked him:
-"Sweetheart, make my wish come true.
-You're a sorceress, you can do everything yourself.
-Eh, not everything. I haven't been with a man for 40 years.
He didn't like the old woman, but he had no choice but to grant her wish, he was afraid the sorceress might cast a spell.
He finished and ran down the road, but his grandmother shouted after him:
-Hey. Honey, how old are you?
-Forty, granny, forty.
-You're so big, and you still believe in fairy tales.


Give me the manufacturer's address, telephone numbers and contacts - I'll buy it :-) , I'll open a museum, the Americans will come and show them, the price will be 999 for one pass to view the exhibit.99 $, and they are even more gullible than we are ::-)))

It's good that they put this fake in the theme of humor, the very place. All the same, our forum is not that stupid people gathered :-)

Yuriy Zaytsev:


Give me the manufacturer's address, telephone numbers and contacts - I'll buy it :-) , I'll open a museum, the Americans will come and show them, the price will be 999 for one pass to view the exhibit.99 $, and they are even more gullible than we ::-)))


Here's a link to the manufacturer: youz

(there expand section External disk drive "VND-M2.05". Contacts, telephones, there is no site).

Here's a link to the place where they buy this thing for a lot of money: youtz

Here is a link to GOST interface of this thing: GOST

And here's a link to the GOST version: GOST


The Pirates have no homeland, they are not patriots.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Imagine there is a world and we have reduced it to 100 people.


89 are heterosexuals and 11 are homosexuals.


Something doesn't seem right... One in 10. Not true, it can't be. There are more of them, there are many more of them, they have flooded the entire planet.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

The Pirates have no homeland, they are not patriots.


Good morning


About the Italian.

The Italian in tattoos
♪ And gold pants ♪
Dancing, tanned
On a yacht with sails...

♪ On his passport he's fifty years old ♪
And the same age on his face
With white gray hair
And a billion in the bank.

And now their mouths are open
With their mouths open in amazement
Back home in Uryupinsk
You won't find the likes of these...


Sports News

Петербуржец за 6 дней доехал до Москвы на самокате
Петербуржец за 6 дней доехал до Москвы на самокате
"Сделал это ради своей мечты, - рассказал путешественник журналистам после финиша на Красной площади. - Когда купил самокат, это изменило мою жизнь. Со временем появилось желание доехать на нем до Москвы - и вот цель достигнута".
Igor Konyashin:


Here is a link to the manufacturer: youz

(there expand section External disk drive "VND-M2.05". Contacts, phone numbers, not there).

Here is a link to the place where they buy this stuff for big money: youz

Here is a link to GOST interface of this thing: GOST

And here's a link to GOST: GOST

read under what conditions this specimen works - it seems that this "stick" can pour muriatic acid, and as well this drive can apparently work in conditions of severe mechanical stress

The flash drive may be used in a chemical plant :-) How long will the common MAC survive in such an aggressive environment?

and if MAC or flash drive survive - if dropped from 10 000 meters height then there will be an explosion in the plane cabin with fire on the ground.


Once at the end of 80x beginning of 90x, some clever Soviet Jews in a research institute in Voronezh invented some product, let's say quite a clever sensor.

But the consumer, had bought analogues from Simens, which were worse in parameters, why did they choose instead of this product, which was better in parameters than the foreign analogues?

The sensors from Voronezh were several times cheaper and somewhere 10 times more reliable, the MTBF was 10 times greater than simens.

But behind the scenes - in the smoking room - "managers" let it slip :-))))) .... it turned out that the selection was not based on the criteria of sensors ;-)

The trips to Voronezh and the trips to Germany :-))) feel the difference -

That's the corrupted essence of Soviet-Russian "managers".

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Something doesn't seem right... One in ten. Not true, it can't be. There are more of them, there are many more of them, they have flooded the entire planet.

Here in France they spit on the majority and passed a law on same-sex marriage!

In fact France has violated basic democratic liberal principles, they are far from good with democracy.

Generally :-) not a tolerant topic.

Violation and oppression of rights!

Собачье сердце - Шариков о ПРАВАХ
Собачье сердце - Шариков о ПРАВАХ
  • 2011.12.02
Полиграф Полиграфыч комментирует идею регуляции численности бродячих собак "гуманным" способом, то есть "ножичком". А также рассказывает о своих правах на св...