Interesting and Humour - page 1479


Schwarzenegger is 66 years old (height 188cm). He maxed out at 340kg as a deadlift. About 3 months ago he was on one of the Russian channels (he was coming to Russia) and he said that due to his age he now regularly does 300kg and no more ... It's true - I think it has nothing to do with age (this sport has little to do with age) ... it's just that he was "somewhere" mayor ... etc ...

I do too, but 300 I will never make ...

so :

what Klitschko tries - Schwarzenegger doesn't care (and the latter has better results even in a relaxed state). That's the humour of the picture. I think they have agreed on mutual PR :)

Arnold Schwarzenegger is now 66 years old, but not many people know his amazing, amazing story that but Arnold actually comes from Chechnya, namely the village of Zakan-Yurt.
Arnold's father, Gilani Shavtsarnagov, from the "Taip" village of Zumsoi, fled to the mountains in '44 during the deportation of Chechens and spent a long time in hiding from the authorities, joining a group of abreks led by Alavdi Khamzatov.
In April, 45, group of 7 men, including Gilani Shavtsarnagov, ambushed the Sharoi department of NKVD with the purpose to kill the special commissioner of NKVD, general A.K. Samsonov, who led the group on counteraction to "political banditry", which, under deliberately false information, should be on that day in Sharoi.
As a result, of seven men Gilani and Mansur Shumakhov, who escaped pursuit by units of the NKVD in one of the many caves in the Argun Gorge in the Itum-Kalinsky district, survived.
After 4 months, Gilani, who had recovered from a bullet wound in the shoulder, together with Mansur decided to flee to Turkey via Georgia and Armenia, and after another 3 months, they disembarked from a Turkish merchant ship in Italy. In '46 the friends landed in Graz, Austria, where Gilani met the beautiful Aurelia from the village of Tal, with whom he decided to tie his life together. Mansur Shumakhov (incidentally, the grandfather of the famous German racing driver Michael Schumacher) left for West Germany, and Schavzarnagov Gilani, became Gustav Schwarzenegger, and a year later, Aurelia gave birth to a son, Arnold.

source Kadyrov


Alligator sculptures in metal.


Source Kadyrov

I wonder if he has Abama's great-grandfather running in the mountains there.

Alligator sculptures in metal.

Oops... I just noticed they're made out of all sorts of odds and ends... Nice...

There is no competition in Russia. Why is everything so much more expensive than in the US? Because there is no competition. - And what is this anomaly? Such a big country without competition? - First of all, entrepreneurship is only twenty years old. We come from communism, where people were imprisoned for entrepreneurship. My mother used to tell me: "Please, Oleg, stop it, they'll put you in jail." I was under criminal liability for the first five years of my business. I had to go to jail for everything I did. This is me, not quite an old man yet. I started in 1989, but I could go to prison for this until 1992. Secondly, all the resources are concentrated, the bosses have too much bureaucracy, especially in the regions. In Moscow the situation is different, there is a little competition, but in the regions there is none at all. There is a governor, he has a family, children, friends - everything is divided up. In any given region the governor and his deputies control 30, 40, 50 % of the economy and do not allow anyone to develop. They clamp down on the most talented people, and as a result they go to Moscow or to St. Petersburg or, in general, to the West. Thirdly, the entrepreneurial culture is very low. It is the entrepreneurs themselves who are to blame for this. Because there is no business education. Apart from Skolkovo which all oligarchs suffered for the world, we do not have a single business university. Even in France, which cannot be called the centre of entrepreneurship, although entrepreneur is their word, there are a dozen business universities.


There are now many books for children about THIS. The books are balanced without being vulgar.

But damn! Why the axe?


There are now many books for children about THIS. The books are balanced without being vulgar.

But damn! Why the axe?

Because "chop it up"!


There are now many books for children about THIS. The books are balanced without being vulgar.

But damn! Why the axe?

I'm interested in another question: what was the premise for finding such a topic?