Interesting and Humour - page 881


and I'm having glitches with the first one.

The problem is from the "remove the pseudo-condition" series, but it is not correct.

If Petya is older than Belov, what is Petya's last name? Belov or Chernov?

handshakes 6 (it's just verbal counting, factorials are definitely not in the 2nd grade curriculum now)

and in 9* the number 5 is missing.

If Petya is older than Belov, what is Petya's last name? Belov or Chernov?
that's it )) i'm going to hit the wall

handshakes 6 (this is just verbal counting, factorials are definitely not in the 2nd grade curriculum now)

and in 9* - missing number 5

It's all clear there, don't kick me in the legs.) I screwed up.)
With handshakes, perhaps too much. You could do a blunt calculation, of course, but that would not provide a solution in the general case - for 10 people, say.
With handshakes, it's probably too much.

what do you mean ?

6 is a lot.


or too early for a 2nd grader.

You could do the maths, of course, but that wouldn't provide a solution in the general case of, say, 10 people.

It's 2nd grade.

they're just teaching drawing and maths at the same time.

With handshakes, perhaps too much. You could do the math, of course, but that wouldn't give a solution in the general case - for 10 people, say.
((Number of people)^2-(Number of people))/2
DmitriyN: ((Number of people)^2-(Number of people))/2
You should also use the number of combinations of 4 and 2 as a solution. Just right for 2nd grade...

and I'm telling you that Misha's last name is Belov.


an anecdote /ancient/.

A small official is approached by the director of the local state farm, asking for help: "My cows are starving. Help me..."

The official wants to solve the problem andshow offhisingenuity, so he says: "I am sending you some white paint, paint the barn from the inside and the problem will be solved".
The director got upset, but he couldn't argue.
Painted it. And of course, the livestock kept decreasing.
He was patient for a long time, then decided to go and ask the official: "Help me, they're dying anyway..."
And the official says to him: "I have a better solution! Here's some green paint, paint the outside of the barn. And be sure to report the results."
The director of the farm was very upset. But he didn't want to cross me, so he left.
He didn't hear from him for a long time, so the official himself sent a request: "How's it going?"
The reply came: "All the cows are dead."
Now the official was upset. He muttered to himself: "Too bad, too bad. I had so many good offers..."