Errors, bugs, questions - page 263

What does the rating consist of?
Rating what exactly?
Rating what exactly?
The one under the avatar and in the profile.
What kind of rating?

The rating is probably in the user profile. Dimitri's current rating is 1245.

Maybe it includes posts and merits in different services (e.g. Jobs).

The way I see it, definitely includes forum posts...

The user rating is calculated using the following formula
250*(количество опубликованных статей) + 50*(количество опубликованных программ) + 1*(количество комментариев и постов)
Обновление MQL4.COM: рейтинги пользователей - MQL4 форум
Обновление MQL4.COM: рейтинги пользователей - MQL4 форум
The user rating is calculated using the following formula
250*(количество опубликованных статей) + 50*(количество опубликованных программ) + 1*(количество комментариев и постов)

As far as I understand, does "Work" refer to programmes in this formula, or is it not taken into account?
The user rating is calculated using the following formula
250*(количество опубликованных статей) + 50*(количество опубликованных программ) + 1*(количество комментариев и постов)

For every bug found, 500*bugs would be added

or $$$ would be added to the appropriate account........


If only there were 500*bugs added for every bug found

or $$$ added to the appropriate account........

Then summer bugs by 3 and today's by 5 :o)

If only we could add 500*bugs for every bug found

Or added $$$ to the relevant account........

+10 $

Then the bugs will run out in 2 (weeks, months, quarters) and what will we do without them? ;)

MT5 will be finished, the developers will go to MT6. ;))


Remote agents keep turning off and having to restart them.

Is it a new mode that remote agents are suddenly stopped?

How can I make remote agents not switch to stopped mode on their own?

Remote agents keep turning off and having to restart them.

Is this a new mode that remote agents are suddenly stopping?

How can I make remote agents not switch to stopped mode themselves?

This has already been pointed out by Rinat, it must be a bug.

To restart, you need to go into "services" on the remote computer in the control panel and start the tester agent services. They are stopped.
