Errors, bugs, questions - page 235


I need more details.

Is it possible that too many entries are displayed?

Yes, quite a lot. But when the number of entries is small, disabling auto-scrolling is not as relevant!

Do you have access to remote agents?

If so, can you write to servicedesk with the agent logs?

I sent the logs.

I was able to start the agents by restarting them.

On the computer with 8 cores, I couldn't get agents to start at once. I could only start 2 at a time. If I try to start at least 3 agents at a time, I get the following phrase

genetic pass (0, 9382) tested with error "no history"

After that only agent Restart helps.


Sent the logs.

Managed to start the agents by restarting them.

On a computer with 8 cores at the same time, agents do not start at once. Only 2 at a time were running. If you try to start at least 3 agents at a time, you get the following phrase

Agent pass (0, 9382) tested with error "no history".

After that only agent Restart helps.

Thanks, let's have a look.

The simplest code in the second line leads the program to an incomprehensible deadlock (370, x64)

void OnStart()
   Print("Первая строка");
   Print("Добавили: " + """");
   Print("Третья строка");
Even the first line is not executed

The simplest code in the second line brings the programme to an incomprehensible dead end (370, x64)

Even the first line is not executed.
It's not correct to put several """". And why would you need it?
It is not correct to put more than one """". And why would it be necessary?

In all languages it means one inverted comma

In all languages this represents a single quote.
use the CharToString function for this purpose
\" - that's how the inverted comma stands

The simple code in the second line leads the program into an incomprehensible deadlock (370, x64)

Even the first line is not executed

In this case you have an empty string, not an inverted comma, and that's correct. Here we go.

use the CharToString function for that purpose.

I'm aware of that... You send me to a textbook or something else.... I'm not quite at the level you're thinking of...

That's not the point - how to use it, it's that it has driven the program into a deep depression.

\"\" that's how the inverted comma stands.

I wrote it out of habit... then it took me 30 minutes to find out why it stopped working in the first place...